/* $Id: stringrm.h 5229 2010-05-11 05:44:03Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2010 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license. Date: 09/06/2008 Author: Alexander Behm */ #ifndef _stringrm_h_ #define _stringrm_h_ #include #include #include #include #define UNUSED_DICT_SLOT 0xFFFFFFFF #define UNUSED_NEXT_PTR 0xFFFFFFFF #define UNUSED_BUFFER_ENTRY 0xFFFFFFFF #define NO_SPACE_IN_BLOCK 0xFFFFFFFF #define CHAR_MAXVAL 0xFF #define UNUSED_FREE_SPACE_SLOT 0x00000000 using namespace std; typedef struct { unsigned blockNum; unsigned slotNum; } RecordID; // manages free space at the block level class FreeSpaceManager { private: // inner class class BlockWithSpace { public: unsigned blockNum; unsigned freeSpace; BlockWithSpace() {} BlockWithSpace(unsigned blockNum, unsigned freeSpace) : blockNum(blockNum), freeSpace(freeSpace) {} bool operator() (const BlockWithSpace& lhs, const BlockWithSpace& rhs) const { return lhs.blockNum < rhs.blockNum; } }; typedef set FreeSpaceSet; unsigned maxEntries; streampos totalFreeSpace; FreeSpaceSet freeSpaceEntries; public: FreeSpaceManager(const unsigned maxEntries = 2000) : maxEntries(maxEntries), totalFreeSpace(0) {} void insert(const unsigned blockNum, const unsigned freeSpace); unsigned getBlockWithSpace(unsigned freeSpace); void print(); }; typedef struct { unsigned freeSpace; unsigned offset; } FreeSpaceEntry; int FreeSpaceEntryCmpFunc(const void * a, const void * b); class BufferEntry { public: BufferEntry* next; char* data; char val; unsigned blockNum; bool dirty; void reset() { blockNum = UNUSED_BUFFER_ENTRY; val = (char)0; dirty = false; } BufferEntry(unsigned blockSize) : next(NULL), data(new char[blockSize]) { reset(); } ~BufferEntry() { if(data) delete[] data; } }; // buffer manager that implements the clock algorithm class BufferManagerRM { private: fstream* file; tr1::unordered_map cacheMap; BufferEntry* clockHand; // for implementing the clock algorithm unsigned bufferSlots; unsigned blockSize; void init(); void readDiskBlock(char* block, const unsigned blockNum); void writeDiskBlock(const char* block, const unsigned blockNum); public: BufferManagerRM(fstream* file, unsigned blockSize, unsigned bufferSlots = 10); BufferEntry* getBlock(unsigned blockNum, bool appendBlock = false); void flushBuffer(); bool inCache(unsigned blockNum); ~BufferManagerRM(); }; class StringRM { private: unsigned blockSize; unsigned numDictSlots; unsigned numFreeSpaceSlots; unsigned dictOffset; unsigned nextBlockOffset; unsigned lastFileBlock; unsigned bufferSlots; fstream file; FreeSpaceManager* freeSpaceManager; BufferManagerRM* bufferManager; void initDiskBlock(char* block); void addFreeSpaceEntry(char* block, const FreeSpaceEntry* entry); void sortFreeSpaceEntries(char* block); unsigned getNextBlockNum(char* block); unsigned insertStringIntoBlock(BufferEntry* entry, const string& s); void insertStringIntoLastBlock(const string& s, RecordID& rid); void writeCollectionDescr(char* block); void readCollectionDescr(); void initCache(); public: StringRM(unsigned bufferSlots = 1); void createStringCollection(const char* fileName, const unsigned blockSize = 4096, const unsigned avgstrlen = 50); void openStringCollection(const char* fileName, bool disableStreamBuffer = false); void insertString(const string& s, RecordID& rid); void retrieveString(string& target, const RecordID& rid); void flushCache(); bool inCache(const RecordID& rid); ~StringRM(); }; #endif