/* $Id: clusters.cc 4034 2008-10-03 01:17:40Z rares $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 01/14/2006 Author: Rares Vernica */ #include "clusters.h" #include "ppdtable/allrand.h" #include "ppdtable/closelex.h" #include "ppdtable/closerand.h" #include "ppdtable/closeunique.h" ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const QueryVect &qv) { return out << qv.query << "\t" << qv.vect; } istream& operator>>(istream &in, QueryVect &qv) { return in >> qv.query >> qv.vect; } Clusters::Clusters(const vector *d, unsigned clusterNo, SampleType sampleType, unsigned samplePer, unsigned queueSize, unsigned uniqueNo): data(d), clusterNo(clusterNo), sampleType(sampleType), samplePer(samplePer), queueSize(queueSize), uniqueNo(uniqueNo), clusters(new VectCluster), ppdtable(new PPDTable()), queryPivot(new ContQueryPivot()) { } Clusters::Clusters(const Clusters &cs): data(cs.data), clusterNo(cs.clusterNo), sampleType(sampleType), samplePer(samplePer), queueSize(queueSize), uniqueNo(uniqueNo) { clusters = new VectCluster; *clusters = *cs.clusters; ppdtable = new PPDTable(); *ppdtable = *cs.ppdtable; queryPivot = new ContQueryPivot(); *queryPivot = *cs.queryPivot; } Clusters::~Clusters() { delete clusters; delete ppdtable; delete queryPivot; } Clusters& Clusters::operator=(const Clusters &cs) { if (this == &cs) return *this; *clusters=*cs.clusters; *ppdtable=*cs.ppdtable; *queryPivot = *cs.queryPivot; data=cs.data; return *this; } bool Clusters::operator==(const Clusters &c) const { if (this == &c) return true; if (data == c.data && clusterNo == c.clusterNo && sampleType == c.sampleType && samplePer == c.samplePer && queueSize == c.queueSize && uniqueNo == c.uniqueNo && *clusters == *c.clusters && *ppdtable == *c.ppdtable // && // *queryPivot == *c.queryPivot ) return true; return false; } const size_t Clusters::sizeEntries() const { size_t cntEntries = 0; for (VectCluster::const_iterator it = clusters->begin(); it != clusters->end(); ++it) cntEntries += it->getFTable().size(); return cntEntries; } void Clusters::buildFTables() { for (VectClusterIt i=clusters->begin(); i!=clusters->end(); i++) i->buildFTable(data); } void Clusters::buildPPDtable() { PPDSample *sampleEngine; switch (sampleType) { case ALL_RAND: sampleEngine = new AllRand(data, this, queryPivot, samplePer); break; case CLOSE_LEX: sampleEngine = new CloseLex(data, this, queryPivot, samplePer, queueSize); break; case CLOSE_UNIQUE: sampleEngine = new CloseUnique(data, this, queryPivot, samplePer, queueSize, uniqueNo); break; default: // CLOSE_RAND: sampleEngine = new CloseRand(data, this, queryPivot, samplePer, queueSize); break; } unsigned i = 0; cerr << "ppdtable"; cerr.flush(); while (sampleEngine->hasNext()) { if (i++ % 1000000 == 0) { cerr << '.'; cerr.flush(); } PPDTriple triple = sampleEngine->next(); PPDEntry entry = PPDEntry(triple.vect1, triple.vect2, SimUpperOrEqual(triple.dist)); ppdtable->insert(entry); } cerr << "OK" << endl; delete sampleEngine; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Clusters &cs) { out << static_cast(cs.clusters->size()) << endl << endl; copy(cs.clusters->begin(), cs.clusters->end(), ostream_iterator(out, "\n")); return out; } istream& operator>>(istream &in, Clusters &cs) { unsigned n; in>>n; for (unsigned i=0; i>cluster; cs.clusters->push_back(cluster); } return in; } typedef map MapSimDist; ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const MapSimDist &map) { for (MapSimDist::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { out << it->first << " " << it->second << endl; } return out; } void Clusters::hist(ostream &out, const vector &d) const { MapSimDist globalHist, localHist; for (VectClusterIt cluster = clusters->begin(); cluster!= clusters->end(); ++cluster) { localHist.clear(); unsigned pivot = cluster->getPivot(); for (ContCluster::const_iterator index = cluster->begin(); index != cluster->end(); ++index) { SimType dist = SimDist(d[pivot], d[*index]); ++localHist[SimUpperOrEqual(dist)]; } for (MapSimDist::const_iterator it = localHist.begin(); it != localHist.end(); ++it) globalHist[it->first] += it->second; // / cluster->size(); } out << globalHist; } void Clusters::stat(ostream &out, const vector &d) const { float sumAvg = 0, sumRad = 0; for (VectClusterIt cluster = clusters->begin(); cluster!= clusters->end(); ++cluster) { unsigned pivot = cluster->getPivot(); SimType sumDist = 0; for (ContCluster::const_iterator index = cluster->begin(); index != cluster->end(); ++index) { SimType dist = SimDist(d[pivot], d[*index]); sumDist += dist; } SimType avgDist = sumDist / cluster->size(); sumAvg += avgDist; sumRad += cluster->getRadius(); } out << sumAvg / sizeCluster() << "\t" << sumRad / sizeCluster() << "\t"; } ostream& Clusters::info(ostream &out) { out << "Clusters" << endl << "---" << endl; out << "Clusters no\t" << clusterNo << endl; return out << endl; } bool Clusters::isPivot(unsigned idx) const { for (vector::const_iterator it = clusters->begin(); it != clusters->end(); ++it) if (it->getPivot() == idx) return true; return false; } void Clusters::insert(unsigned idx) { SimType min = SimDist((*data)[clusters->begin()->getPivot()], (*data)[idx]); vector::iterator closest = clusters->begin(); for (vector::iterator it = clusters->begin() + 1; it != clusters->end(); ++it) { SimType crt = SimDist((*data)[it->getPivot()], (*data)[idx]); if (crt < min) { min = crt; closest = it; } } // "closest" is the closest cluster unsigned pivot = closest->getPivot(); SimVect vect2 = SimVect( (*data)[pivot], (*data)[idx]); closest->insert(idx, vect2); SimType dist = vect2.getDist(); if (dist > closest->getRadius()) closest->setRadius(dist); for (ContQueryPivot::const_iterator it = queryPivot->find(pivot); it != queryPivot->end() && it->first == pivot; ++it) { SimVect vect1 = it->second.vect; SimType dist = SimDist((*data)[it->second.query], (*data)[idx]); PPDEntry entry = PPDEntry(vect1, vect2, SimUpperOrEqual(dist)); ppdtable->insert(entry); } } class CmpDist { private: const vector *data; string pivotStr; public: CmpDist(const vector *data, unsigned pivot): data(data), pivotStr((*data)[pivot]) {} bool operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j) { return SimDist((*data)[i], pivotStr) < SimDist((*data)[j], pivotStr); } }; void Clusters::erase(unsigned idx) { vector::iterator contain; for (contain = clusters->begin(); contain != clusters->end(); ++contain) if (contain->find(idx) != contain->end()) break; if (contain == clusters->end()) { cerr << "Clusters::erase index not found\t" << idx << endl; return; } unsigned pivot = contain->getPivot(); SimVect vect2 = SimVect((*data)[pivot], (*data)[idx]); contain->erase(idx, vect2); if (contain->getRadius() == vect2.getDist()) // update radius contain->setRadius(SimDist((*data)[pivot], (*data)[*max_element(contain->begin(), contain->end(), CmpDist(data, pivot))])); for (ContQueryPivot::const_iterator it = queryPivot->find(pivot); it != queryPivot->end() && it->first == pivot; ++it) { SimVect vect1 = it->second.vect; SimType dist = SimDist((*data)[it->second.query], (*data)[idx]); PPDEntry entry = PPDEntry(vect1, vect2, SimUpperOrEqual(dist)); ppdtable->erase(entry); } } void Clusters::readClusters(const string &filename) { ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::in); if (!file) { cerr << "can't open input file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } file >> *this; file.close(); } void Clusters::writeClusters(const string &filename) const { ofstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::out); if (!file) { cerr << "can't open output file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } file << *this; file.close(); } void Clusters::readPPDtable(const string &filename) { ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::in); if (!file) { cerr << "can't open input file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } file >> *ppdtable; file.close(); } void Clusters::writePPDtable(const string &filename) const { ofstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::out); if (!file) { cerr << "can't open output file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } file << *ppdtable; file.close(); } ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const ContQueryPivot &cont) { out << cont.size() << endl << endl; for(ContQueryPivot::const_iterator it = cont.begin(); it != cont.end(); ++it) out << it->first << "\t" << it->second << endl; return out; } istream& operator>>(istream &in, ContQueryPivot &cont) { unsigned sz; in >> sz; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) { unsigned pivot; QueryVect qv; in >> pivot >> qv; cont.insert(std::make_pair(pivot, qv)); } return in; }