/* $Id$ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 09/19/2007 Author: Alexander Behm */ #ifndef _wrapperabs_h_ #define _wrapperabs_h_ #include "filtertree/ftindexersimple.h" #include "filtertree/ftsearchermem.h" #include "common/simmetric.h" #include "common/gramgen.h" #include "common/query.h" // this wrapper should NOT be instantiated because it has no defined constructor // sub-classes should define constructors template class WrapperAbs { protected: GramGen* gramGen; DivideSkipMerger<> merger; SimilarityMetric* simMetric; Indexer* indexer; Searcher* searcher; public: void buildIndex(const string& dataFile, const unsigned linesToRead = 0, StatsUtil* sutil = NULL) { indexer->buildIndex(dataFile, linesToRead, true, sutil); } void buildIndex(StatsUtil* sutil = NULL) { indexer->buildIndex(true, sutil); } void saveIndex(const char* indexFileName) { indexer->saveIndex(indexFileName); } void loadIndex(const char* indexFileName) { Indexer* oldIndexer = indexer; indexer = new Indexer(oldIndexer->strContainer); indexer->loadIndex(indexFileName); searcher->setFtIndexer(indexer); delete oldIndexer; } void search(const string& query, const float simThreshold, vector& results) { Query q(query, *simMetric, (float)simThreshold); searcher->search(q, results); } virtual ~WrapperAbs() { if(gramGen) delete gramGen; if(simMetric) delete simMetric; if(indexer) delete indexer; if(searcher) delete searcher; } }; #endif