/* $Id$ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 01/30/2007 Author: Rares Vernica */ #ifndef _misc_h_ #define _misc_h_ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace tr1; // x^y unsigned pow(unsigned x, unsigned y); // all possible subsets of k elements from 0..n-1 vector > subsets(unsigned n, unsigned k); template T min(T x, T y, T z) { return (x < y ? (x < z ? x : z) : (y < z ? y : z)); } // unsigned to string template string utos(T i) { stringstream s; s << i; return s.str(); } string utosh(unsigned i); // human representation class UnsignedSeq { private: unsigned value; public: UnsignedSeq(unsigned initialValue = 0); unsigned operator() (); }; string removeExt(const string filename); void writeerror(const string filename); void readerror(const string filename); template bool equalElements(const unordered_map &a, const unordered_map &b) { typename unordered_map::const_iterator it, pos; for (it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); ++it) { pos = b.find(it->first); if (pos == b.end() || pos->second != it->second) return false; } for (it = b.begin(); it != b.end(); ++it) { pos = a.find(it->first); if (pos == a.end() || pos->second != it->second) return false; } return true; } template void selectRandom(const vector &data, vector &selection, unsigned n) { vector idx(data.size()); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) idx[i] = i; random_shuffle(idx.begin(), idx.end()); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) selection.push_back(data[idx[i]]); } // generates a zipfian distribution for distinctValues with skew value zipfSkew // sorted value frequencies are stored in valFreqs, caller must ensure proper memory allocation void genZipfDist(unsigned distinctValues, unsigned zipfSkew, double valFreqs[]); // takes inputFile and reades it line-by-line // creates random duplicates with minErrors to maxErrors edit operations applied until targetSize is reached // all lines are written to targetFile void enlargeDataset(const char* targetFile, const char* inputFile, unsigned targetSize, unsigned minErrors, unsigned maxErrors, unsigned trueRand); #define CHECKSUM_MAX_ASCII 127 // calculate checksum with max_ascii being max ascii value recognized unsigned checksum(const string& s); // compute slope and intercept of line using linear regression void linearRegression(const vector& xvals, const vector& yvals, float& slope, float& intercept); // simple implementation of binomial distribution // for cumulative version, no optimization using beta function ar anything - just a simple summation float binomialDistrib(unsigned n, unsigned k, float p, bool cumulative); #endif