/* $Id$ Copyright (C) 2008 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 04/04/2008 Author: Alexander Behm */ #ifndef _filtertreenode_h_ #define _filtertreenode_h_ #include #include #include #include "gramlist.h" #include "common/gramgen.h" #include "util/array.h" template > class FilterTreeNode { public: // maps from gram code to gram list (that contains the inverted list) typedef unordered_map* > GramMap; GramMap gramMap; // for leaves keep track of the distinct string ids belonging to this leaf GramList* distinctStringIDs; vector > children; bool isLeaf; FilterTreeNode(bool leaf) { isLeaf = leaf; distinctStringIDs = NULL; } void getInvertedLists(const string& query, GramGen& gramGen, vector &invertedLists) { vector gramCodes; gramGen.decompose(query, gramCodes); getInvertedLists(gramCodes, invertedLists); } void getInvertedLists(const vector& gramCodes, vector &invertedLists) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < gramCodes.size(); i++) { unsigned gramCode = gramCodes.at(i); if(gramMap.find(gramCode) != gramMap.end()) { Array* tmp = gramMap[gramCode]->getArray(); invertedLists.push_back(tmp); } } } void getGramLists(const string& query, GramGen& gramGen, vector* > >& gramLists) { vector gramCodes; gramGen.decompose(query, gramCodes); getGramLists(gramCodes, gramLists); } void getGramLists(const vector& gramCodes, vector* > >& gramLists) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < gramCodes.size(); i++) { unsigned gramCode = gramCodes.at(i); if(gramMap.find(gramCode) != gramMap.end()) { pair* > p; p.first = gramCode; p.second = gramMap[gramCode]; gramLists.push_back(p); } } } static void getSubTreeLeaves(FilterTreeNode* node, vector* >& leaves) { if(node->isLeaf) leaves.push_back(node); else { vector >& children = node->children; for(unsigned i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) FilterTreeNode::getSubTreeLeaves(children.at(i).second, leaves); } } static unsigned getTotalInvertedListsSize(FilterTreeNode* node) { unsigned sum = 0; typename GramMap::const_iterator citer; for(citer = node->gramMap.begin(); citer != node->gramMap.end(); citer++) sum += citer->second->getArray()->size(); return sum; } unsigned long getBytes() const { unsigned long total = 0; total += sizeof(vector >); total += sizeof(pair) * children.size(); total += sizeof(GramMap); total += sizeof(Array); total += sizeof(unsigned) * distinctStringIDs.size(); return total; } ~FilterTreeNode() { for(typename GramMap::iterator iter = gramMap.begin(); iter != gramMap.end(); iter++) { GramList* tmp = iter->second; if(tmp) tmp->free(); } if(distinctStringIDs) delete distinctStringIDs; } }; #endif