/* $Id: topktwophase.h 5772 2010-10-19 07:15:28Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 06/09/2008 Author: Rares Vernica */ #ifndef _topktwophase_h_ #define _topktwophase_h_ #include "topkiterative.h" #include "topkheap.v1.h" extern uint thresholdInit; namespace Topk { namespace TwoPhase { template< class RandomAccessIterator1, class RandomAccessIterator2, class OutputIterator> void getTopk( const RandomAccessIterator1 data, const RandomAccessIterator2 weights, const Index_v1 &idx, const Query &que, IndexQuery_v1 &idxQue, OutputIterator topk) { // assume threshold > 0 const uint threshold = thresholdInit; float whtMinNeeded = 0; float whtMaxPossible = Iterative::_getWhtMax(weights, idxQue); uint thresholdMinNeeded = 1; // for Phase 2 const float simMaxPossible = que.sim.getSimMax( que.len, que.noGrams, threshold - 1, threshold - 1); std::tr1::unordered_set checked; Cand *topkBuf = new Cand[que.k]; std::fill(topkBuf, topkBuf + que.k, Cand()); // struct timeval tStart, tEnd1, tEnd2; // gettimeofday(&tStart, 0); // === Phase 1 === Range Search -- Divide Skip if (threshold <= que.noGrams) { std::vector result; DivideSkipMerger<> mergeLists; mergeLists.merge(idxQue, threshold, result); Iterative::_selectTopk(data, weights, que, result, topkBuf, checked); const float topkLastScore = topkBuf[0].score; whtMinNeeded = scoreInverseWht(topkLastScore, simMaxPossible); thresholdMinNeeded = que.sim.getNoGramsMin( idx.lenMax, idx.noGramsMin, que.noGrams, scoreInverseSim(topkLastScore, whtMaxPossible)); } // gettimeofday(&tEnd1, 0); // === Phase 2 === Lists Traversal -- Divide Skip (TopkHeap) if (thresholdMinNeeded < threshold && whtMinNeeded <= whtMaxPossible) Heap_v1::_doDivideSkip( data, weights, idx, que, idxQue, topkBuf, checked, simMaxPossible, whtMinNeeded, thresholdMinNeeded, threshold); // gettimeofday(&tEnd2, 0); // float _tms = (tEnd1.tv_sec - tStart.tv_sec ) * 1000 + // (tEnd1.tv_usec - tStart.tv_usec) / 1000., // _tms2 = (tEnd2.tv_sec - tEnd1.tv_sec ) * 1000 + // (tEnd2.tv_usec - tEnd1.tv_usec) / 1000.; // std::cout << que.noGrams + 1 - threshold << " " // << _tms << " " << _tms2 << std::endl; std::sort_heap(topkBuf, topkBuf + que.k); for (uint i = 0; i < que.k; i++) *topk++ = topkBuf[i].id; delete [] topkBuf; } } } #endif