/* $Id: topksearch.h 5772 2010-10-19 07:15:28Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 11/21/2009 Author: Rares Vernica */ #ifndef _topksearch_h_ #define _topksearch_h_ #include "topkheap.h" namespace Topk { class KwdInfo { public: std::string kwd; int count; float weight; KwdInfo(std::string kwd, int count): kwd(kwd), count(count) {} bool operator==(const KwdInfo &k) { return count == k.count && weight == k.weight && kwd == k.kwd; } bool operator!= (const KwdInfo &k) { return !(*this == k); } static std::string* getKwdPtr(KwdInfo &k) { return &k.kwd; } static int* getCountPtr(KwdInfo &k) { return &k.count; } static float* getWeightPtr(KwdInfo &k) { return &k.weight; } static bool higherWeight(const KwdInfo *a, const KwdInfo *b) { return a->weight > b->weight; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const KwdInfo& k); }; template class KwdInfoIterator : public std::iterator { protected: std::vector::const_iterator kwd; T*(*f)(KwdInfo&); public: KwdInfoIterator( std::vector::const_iterator kwd, T*(*f)(KwdInfo&)): kwd(kwd), f(f) {} bool operator==(const KwdInfoIterator &i) { return kwd == i.kwd; } bool operator!=(const KwdInfoIterator &i) { return kwd != i.kwd; } bool operator<(const KwdInfoIterator &i) { return kwd < i.kwd; } KwdInfoIterator& operator=(const KwdInfoIterator& i) { kwd = i.kwd; return *this; } KwdInfoIterator& operator++() { ++kwd; return *this; } KwdInfoIterator operator++(int) { KwdInfoIterator tmp(kwd); ++(*this); return tmp; } KwdInfoIterator operator+(ptrdiff_t i) { return KwdInfoIterator(kwd + i, f); } ptrdiff_t operator-(const KwdInfoIterator &k) { return kwd - k.kwd; } T& operator*() { return *f(**kwd); } T* operator->() { return f(**kwd); } T& operator[](ptrdiff_t i) const { return *f(**(kwd + i)); } }; class Search { private: static const uint k; static const float thr; std::vector kwds; std::tr1::unordered_map kwdToKwdInfo; GramGenFixedLen gramGen; SimMetricEdNorm simMetric; Index topkIndex; std::ostream &out; uint *ids; public: Search(std::ostream &out = std::cerr): gramGen(GramGenFixedLen(2)), simMetric(SimMetricEdNorm(gramGen)), out(out) { ids=new uint[k]; } ~Search() { delete [] ids; free(); } int searchKwd( const std::vector &originalKwds, std::vector &relaxedKwds); /* e.g., originalKwd = ["A", "B"] relaxedKwd = ["A1", "A2", "", "B1"] */ template int searchKwd( InputIterator originalKwdBegin, InputIterator originalKwdEnd, OutputIterator relaxedKwdBegin); int updateKwd( const std::vector &kwds, const std::vector &counts); /* e.g., kwd = ["A", "D", "E"] counts = [ 2 , 4 , -1 ] */ template int updateKwd( InputIteratorString kwdsBegin, InputIteratorString kwdsEnd, InputIteratorInt countsBegin); void save(const std::string &filename) const; void save(std::ofstream &file) const; void load(const std::string &filename); void load(std::ifstream &file); KwdInfoIterator kwdsBegin() { return KwdInfoIterator(kwds.begin(), KwdInfo::getKwdPtr); } KwdInfoIterator kwdsEnd() { return KwdInfoIterator(kwds.end(), KwdInfo::getKwdPtr); } KwdInfoIterator countsBegin() { return KwdInfoIterator(kwds.begin(), KwdInfo::getCountPtr); } KwdInfoIterator countsEnd() { return KwdInfoIterator(kwds.end(), KwdInfo::getCountPtr); } KwdInfoIterator weightsBegin() { return KwdInfoIterator(kwds.begin(), KwdInfo::getWeightPtr); } KwdInfoIterator weightsEnd() { return KwdInfoIterator(kwds.end(), KwdInfo::getWeightPtr); } static float weight(int count, int countMin) { return count <= 0 ? 0 : static_cast(countMin) / count / 10; } static bool lessIgnoreLessOne(int a, int b) { if ((a < 1 && b < 1) || (a >= 1 && b >= 1)) { return a < b; } if (a < 1) { // b >= 1 return false; } // a >= 1, b < 1 return true; } private: void updateWeights(); void free(); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Search& s); friend bool operator==(const Search& s1, const Search& s2); }; inline int Search::updateKwd( const std::vector &kwds, const std::vector &counts) { return updateKwd(kwds.begin(), kwds.end(), counts.begin()); } template int Search::updateKwd( InputIteratorString kwdsBegin, InputIteratorString kwdsEnd, InputIteratorInt countsBegin) { out << "== = updateKwd = ==" << std::endl; for (; kwdsBegin != kwdsEnd; ++kwdsBegin, ++countsBegin) { if (kwdsBegin->empty()) { continue; } std::string kwd(*kwdsBegin); std::transform( kwdsBegin->begin(), kwdsBegin->end(), kwd.begin(), ::tolower); out << kwd << "\t" << *countsBegin << std::endl; std::tr1::unordered_map::iterator kwdToKwdInfoPair = kwdToKwdInfo.find(kwd); if (kwdToKwdInfoPair == kwdToKwdInfo.end()) { KwdInfo *kwdInfo = new KwdInfo(kwd, *countsBegin); kwds.push_back(kwdInfo); kwdToKwdInfo.insert(make_pair(kwd, kwdInfo)); } else { KwdInfo *kwdInfo = kwdToKwdInfoPair->second; kwdInfo->count += *countsBegin; } } //// TODO prune elements with count 0 // count(counts.begin(), counts.end(), bind2nd(less_equal(), 0)); updateWeights(); std::sort(kwds.begin(), kwds.end(), KwdInfo::higherWeight); topkIndex.build(this->kwdsBegin(), this->kwdsEnd(), gramGen); out << "== == ==" << std::endl; return 0; } inline int Search::searchKwd( const std::vector &originalKwds, std::vector &relaxedKwds) { return searchKwd( originalKwds.begin(), originalKwds.end(), std::back_inserter(relaxedKwds)); } template int Search::searchKwd( InputIterator originalKwdBegin, InputIterator originalKwdEnd, OutputIterator relaxedKwdBegin) { out << "== = searchKwd = ==" << std::endl; // std::string q = "thank"; // for (std::vector::const_iterator kwd = kwds.begin(); // kwd != kwds.end(); // ++kwd) { // if ((**kwd).kwd.find(q) != std::string::npos) { // std::cout << **kwd << ", " << simMetric(q, (**kwd).kwd) << std::endl; // } // } bool first = true; for (;originalKwdBegin != originalKwdEnd; ++originalKwdBegin) { out << *originalKwdBegin << std::endl; if (first) { first = false; } else { *relaxedKwdBegin++= ""; } if (originalKwdBegin->empty()) { continue; } Query query(*originalKwdBegin, simMetric, thr, k, QueryRanking); IndexQuery topkIndexQuery(topkIndex, query); Heap::getTopk( kwdsBegin(), weightsBegin(), topkIndex, query, topkIndexQuery, ids); out << "\t"; for ( uint* id = ids; id != ids + k && *id != std::numeric_limits::max(); ++id) { out << kwds[*id]->kwd << " "; *relaxedKwdBegin++= kwds[*id]->kwd; } out << std::endl; } out << "== == ==" << std::endl; return 0; } } #endif