/* $Id: topkroundrobin.h 5772 2010-10-19 07:15:28Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 06/11/2008 Author: Rares Vernica */ #ifndef _topkroundrobin_h_ #define _topkroundrobin_h_ #include #include #include "topkindex.h" namespace Topk { namespace RoundRobin { struct _TopkEl { float min; std::tr1::unordered_map::iterator>::iterator ptr; }; typedef std::list<_TopkEl> _TopkList; typedef std::tr1::unordered_map _TopkMap; inline bool _less_equal_prev(const std::pair r, uint v) { return r.second < v; } bool _updateTopk( const Query &que, _TopkMap &topkMap, _TopkList &topkList, uint id, float sc); template< class RandomAccessIterator1, class RandomAccessIterator2, class RandomAccessIterator3, class OutputIterator> void getTopk( const RandomAccessIterator1 data, const RandomAccessIterator2 weights, const RandomAccessIterator3 nograms, const Index &idx, const Query &que, IndexQuery &idxQue, OutputIterator topk) { std::tr1::unordered_map prev; std::map > cands; std::list >::iterator> skip; _TopkMap topkMap; struct _TopkEl el; el.min = 0; el.ptr = topkMap.end(); _TopkList topkList(que.k, el); bool firstRound = true; // while there are lists with elements inside while (!idxQue.lists.empty()) { uint idMin = ~0u, idMax = 0; // === get next element from each list === for (std::list >::iterator ls = idxQue.lists.begin(); ls != idxQue.lists.end();) { uint id = *ls->_begin; if (id < idMin) idMin = id; if (id > idMax) idMax = id; // === process current id === std::map >::iterator pos = cands.lower_bound(id); std::pair cand; bool isNew = pos == cands.end() || pos->first != id; if (isNew) { cand.first = 1; cand.second = std::count_if( prev.begin(), prev.end(), std::bind2nd(std::ptr_fun(_less_equal_prev), id)) + (firstRound ? std::distance(ls, idxQue.lists.end()) : 0); } else { ++pos->second.first; cand = pos->second; } bool doInsert, doDiscard; doInsert = doDiscard = false; float scMin, scMax, sck; scMin = score( que.sim.getSimMin(que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.first), weights[id]); // score min scMax = score( que.sim.getSimMax(que.len, que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.second), weights[id]); // score max sck = topkList.front().min; // score min kth in topk if (scMax > sck || (scMax == sck && scMin == sck)) { if (cand.first == cand.second) { doDiscard = !isNew; scMin = score(que.sim(que.str, data[id]), weights[id]); // score real } else doInsert = isNew; if (scMin >= sck) _updateTopk(que, topkMap, topkList, id, scMin); } else { doDiscard = !isNew; if (ls->_begin + 1 != ls->_end) skip.push_back(ls); } if (doInsert) cands.insert(pos, make_pair(id, cand)); if (doDiscard) cands.erase(pos); // === process affected candidates === for (std::map >::iterator c = firstRound ? cands.begin() : cands.upper_bound(prev[ls->_end]); c != (ls->_begin + 1 == ls->_end ? cands.end() : cands.lower_bound(id));) { uint idc = c->first; if (id == idc) { ++c; continue; } --c->second.second; cand = c->second; doDiscard = false; scMin = score( que.sim.getSimMin(que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.first), weights[idc]); // score min scMax = score( que.sim.getSimMax( que.len, que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.second), weights[idc]); // score max sck = topkList.front().min; // score min kth in topk if (scMax > sck || (scMax == sck && scMin == sck)) { if (cand.first == cand.second) { doDiscard = true; scMin = score( que.sim(que.str, data[idc]), weights[idc]); // score real if (scMin >= sck) _updateTopk(que, topkMap, topkList, idc, scMin); } } else { doDiscard = true; if (idMin <= idc && idc <= idMax) for (std::list >::iterator lsc = idxQue.lists.begin(); lsc != ls; ++lsc) if (prev[lsc->_end] == idc && lsc->_begin + 1 != lsc->_end) skip.push_back(lsc); } if (doDiscard) cands.erase(c++); else ++c; } // go to next element on the list ++ls->_begin; if (ls->_begin == ls->_end) { // remove list if depleted prev.erase(ls->_end); ls = idxQue.lists.erase(ls); } else { // set previous and move to next list prev[ls->_end] = id; ++ls; } } // === check viability of unupdated candidates === for (std::map >::iterator c = cands.upper_bound(idMax); c != cands.end();) { uint id = c->first; std::pair cand = c->second; float scMin, scMax, sck; scMin = score( que.sim.getSimMin(que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.first), weights[id]); // score min scMax = score( que.sim.getSimMax(que.len, que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.second), weights[id]); // score max sck = topkList.front().min; // score min kth in topk if (scMax < sck || (scMax == sck && scMin < sck)) cands.erase(c++); else ++c; } // === skip === for (std::list >::iterator>::iterator s = skip.begin(); s != skip.end(); ++s) { std::list >::iterator ls = *s; uint idCandMin = cands.begin()->first; if (ls->_begin == ls->_end || *ls->_begin >= idCandMin) continue; ls->_begin = std::lower_bound(ls->_begin, ls->_end, idCandMin); if (ls->_begin == ls->_end) { // skiped to the end std::tr1::unordered_map::iterator pos = prev.find(ls->_end); for (std::map >::iterator c = cands.upper_bound(pos->second); c != cands.end();) { --c->second.second; uint id = c->first; std::pair cand = c->second; bool doDiscard = false; float scMin, scMax, sck; scMin = score( que.sim.getSimMin(que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.first), weights[id]); // score min scMax = score( que.sim.getSimMax(que.len, que.noGrams, nograms[id], cand.second), weights[id]); // score max sck = topkList.front().min; // score min kth in topk if (scMax > sck || (scMax == sck && scMin == sck)) { if (cand.first == cand.second) { doDiscard = true; scMin = score( que.sim(que.str, data[id]), weights[id]); // score real if (scMin >= sck) _updateTopk(que, topkMap, topkList, id, scMin); } } else doDiscard = true; if (doDiscard) cands.erase(c++); else ++c; } prev.erase(pos); idxQue.lists.erase(ls); } } skip.clear(); // === stop === if (cands.empty() && topkList.front().min > score( que.sim.getSimMax( que.len, que.noGrams, idxQue.lists.size(), idxQue.lists.size()), weights[idMin])) break; if (firstRound) firstRound = false; } for (_TopkList::const_reverse_iterator i = topkList.rbegin(); i != topkList.rend(); ++i) *topk++ = i->ptr->first; } } } #endif