/* $Id: topkheap.v1.h 5776 2010-10-20 01:34:22Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 02/20/2008 Author: Rares Vernica */ #ifndef _topkheap_v1_h_ #define _topkheap_v1_h_ #include #include "topkindex.h" #include "topkindex.v1.h" #include "topkheap.h" #include "foreign_listmerger.h" extern float heap_c1; namespace Topk { namespace Heap_v1 { struct _SetNoOperation { void* find(uint) { return 0; } void* end() { return 0; } }; void _sortListsBySize( const std::vector*> &allLists, const uint *const pointersIndex, uint sortedIndex []); template void _insertHeap( uint dataHeap[], uint indexHeap[], uint &heapSize, const std::vector*> &lists, uint pointersIndexList[], uint vectorIndexContainer[], uint containerSize, RandomAccessIterator weights, float whtMin) { for(uint i=0; iat(position); if (newData != ~0u && weights[newData] < whtMin) newData = ~0; heapInsert(newData, index, dataHeap, indexHeap, heapSize); }//end for }//end _insertHeap template void _makeHeap( const std::vector*> &lists, const uint *const pointersIndex, const bool *const longListMask, uint dataHeap[], uint indexHeap[], uint &size, RandomAccessIterator weights, float whtMin) { size = 0; for(uint i=0; i< lists.size(); i++) if (!longListMask[i]) { uint t = lists.at(i)->at(pointersIndex[i]); if (t != ~0u && weights[t] < whtMin) t = ~0; heapInsert(t, i, dataHeap, indexHeap, size); }//end if }//end _makeHeap template< class RandomAccessIterator1, class RandomAccessIterator2, class Set> void _doDivideSkip( const RandomAccessIterator1 data, const RandomAccessIterator2 weights, const Index_v1 &idx, const Query &que, const IndexQuery_v1 &idxQue, Cand *topkBuf, Set &checked, float simMaxPossible = 1, float whtMinNeeded = std::numeric_limits::min(), uint thresholdMinNeeded = 1, uint thresholdChecked = std::numeric_limits::max()) { const uint MAXUnsigned = ~0; const uint numberOfInvertedList = idxQue.size(); const uint batchThreshold = 10; const uint batchLongLists = 3; const uint thresholdMax = std::min(thresholdChecked - 1, numberOfInvertedList); uint threshold = thresholdMinNeeded; uint longListsSize = 0, longListsSizeNew; uint *pointersIndex = new uint[numberOfInvertedList]; memset(pointersIndex, 0, sizeof(uint) * numberOfInvertedList); uint *sortedIndex = new uint[numberOfInvertedList]; _sortListsBySize(idxQue, pointersIndex, sortedIndex); uint longestSize = idxQue[sortedIndex[numberOfInvertedList - 1]]->size(); bool *longListMask = new bool[numberOfInvertedList]; memset(longListMask, 0, sizeof(bool) * numberOfInvertedList); addMAXUnsigned2EachList(idxQue, MAXUnsigned); uint *dataHeap; uint *indexHeap; dataHeap = new uint[numberOfInvertedList]; indexHeap = new uint[numberOfInvertedList]; uint sizeOfHeaps; _makeHeap( idxQue, pointersIndex, longListMask, dataHeap, indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps, weights, whtMinNeeded); // Container of vector indexes which should be moved to the next position uint *vectorIndexContainer; vectorIndexContainer = new uint[numberOfInvertedList]; uint containerSize = 0; uint iteration = 0; while (dataHeap[0] < MAXUnsigned) { // Check if we can get the result containerSize = 0; uint minData = dataHeap[0]; while (minData == dataHeap[0] && containerSize < numberOfInvertedList - longListsSize) { vectorIndexContainer[containerSize++] = indexHeap[0]; heapDelete(dataHeap, indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps); }//end while if (containerSize >= threshold - longListsSize) { // we got the result uint freq = containerSize; if (freq < threshold) // lookup in the long lists for (uint i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) if (longListMask[i] && weights[pointersIndex[i]] >= whtMinNeeded) { uint pos = idxQue[i]->binarySearch(minData, pointersIndex[i]); pointersIndex[i] = pos; if (pos < idxQue[i]->size() && idxQue[i]->at(pos) == minData) freq++; } if (freq >= threshold && checked.find(minData) == checked.end()) { // good result uint id = minData; float sc = score(que.sim(que.str, data[id]), weights[id]); if (sc > topkBuf[0].score) { std::pop_heap(topkBuf, topkBuf + que.k); topkBuf[que.k - 1] = Cand(id, sc); std::push_heap(topkBuf, topkBuf + que.k); whtMinNeeded = scoreInverseWht(topkBuf[0].score, simMaxPossible); } } // recompute threshold if (topkBuf[0].score > std::numeric_limits::min() && (iteration++) % batchThreshold == 0) { float whtMaxFront = weights[minData]; threshold = que.sim.getNoGramsMin( que.len, idx.noGramsMin, que.noGrams, scoreInverseSim(topkBuf[0].score, whtMaxFront)); if (threshold > thresholdMax) break; if (whtMinNeeded > whtMaxFront) break; // longListsSizeNew = threshold - 1; longListsSizeNew = static_cast( floor( threshold / (Topk::Heap::nLongParam * log2(longestSize) + 1))); if (longListsSizeNew > longListsSize && longListsSizeNew - longListsSize >= batchLongLists) { /* * move pointersIndex for the popped lists * resort lists by length * set the longListMask for the longListsSizeNew longest lists * create a new heap with the heads of the non-long lists * continue */ for(uint i=0; i < containerSize; i++) { uint j = vectorIndexContainer[i]; pointersIndex[j]++ ; }//end for _sortListsBySize(idxQue, pointersIndex, sortedIndex); longestSize = idxQue[sortedIndex[numberOfInvertedList - 1]]->size(); memset(longListMask, 0, sizeof(bool) * numberOfInvertedList); for (uint i = numberOfInvertedList - longListsSizeNew; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) longListMask[sortedIndex[i]] = true; _makeHeap( idxQue, pointersIndex, longListMask, dataHeap, indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps, weights, whtMinNeeded); longListsSize = longListsSizeNew; continue; } } // } //move to the next element for(uint i=0; i < containerSize; i++) { uint j = vectorIndexContainer[i]; pointersIndex[j]++ ; }//end for _insertHeap( dataHeap, indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps, idxQue, pointersIndex, vectorIndexContainer, containerSize, weights, whtMinNeeded); continue; }//end if (freq >= threshold) // pop more elements from heap // and skip nodes while (containerSize < threshold - 1 - longListsSize) { vectorIndexContainer[containerSize++] = indexHeap[0]; heapDelete(dataHeap, indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps); }//end while skipNodes( idxQue, vectorIndexContainer, containerSize, dataHeap[0], pointersIndex); _insertHeap( dataHeap, indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps, idxQue, pointersIndex, vectorIndexContainer, containerSize, weights, whtMinNeeded); } //end while ( thresholdHeap[0] < MAX) delete [] dataHeap; delete [] indexHeap; delete [] vectorIndexContainer; delete [] pointersIndex; delete [] sortedIndex; delete [] longListMask; deleteMAXUnsignedfromEachList(idxQue); } template< class RandomAccessIterator1, class RandomAccessIterator2, class OutputIterator> void getTopk( const RandomAccessIterator1 data, const RandomAccessIterator2 weights, const Index_v1 &idx, const Query &que, const IndexQuery_v1 &idxQue, OutputIterator topk) { Cand *topkBuf = new Cand[que.k]; std::fill(topkBuf, topkBuf + que.k, Cand()); _SetNoOperation checked; _doDivideSkip( data, weights, idx, que, idxQue, topkBuf, checked); std::sort_heap(topkBuf, topkBuf + que.k); for (uint i = 0; i < que.k; i++) *topk++ = topkBuf[i].id; delete [] topkBuf; } } } #endif