/* $Id: perftest_util.cc 5772 2010-10-19 07:15:28Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 06/25/2008 Author: Rares Vernica */ #include "perftest_util.h" #include #include #define DEBUG_TIMER #include "misc.h" #include "util/src/input.h" #include "util/src/io.h" #include "util/src/misc.h" #include "util/src/debug.h" using namespace std; using namespace Topk; const string PerfData::path = "/data/topk/"; string getDataName(PerfDataName dataName) { switch (dataName) { case PerfDataIMDB: return "IMDB"; case PerfDataWebCorpus: return "WebCorpus"; case PerfDataDBLP: return "DBLP"; default: return "Unknown"; } } PerfData::PerfData(const GramGen &gramGen, PerfDataName name, uint no): no(no) { vector dataWithWeights; vector records; switch (name) { case PerfDataIMDB: setFn(path + "imdb/actors.txt"); if (exist()){ load(); return; } readString(dataWithWeights, fn, no); no = dataWithWeights.size(); for (uint i = 0; i < no; i++) { string dat = dataWithWeights[i]; uint pos = dat.find('\t'); Record r; r.text = dat.substr(0, pos); // r.weight = 1 - 1. / atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str()); // r.weight = atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str()) / 5047.; r.weight = log(atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str())) / log(5319); records.push_back(r); } break; case PerfDataWebCorpus: setFn(path + "webcorpus/webcorpus.shuf.2.4m.txt"); if (exist()){ load(); return; } readString(dataWithWeights, fn, no); no = dataWithWeights.size(); for (uint i = 0; i < no; i++) { string dat = dataWithWeights[i]; uint pos = dat.find('\t'); Record r; r.text = dat.substr(0, pos); // r.weight = 1 - 1. / atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str()); // r.weight = atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str()) / 15087432.; r.weight = log(atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str())) / log(15087432); records.push_back(r); } break; case PerfDataDBLP: setFn(path + "dblp/articles.rank.csv"); if (exist()){ load(); return; } readString(dataWithWeights, fn, no, 700); no = dataWithWeights.size(); for (uint i = 0; i < no; i++) { string dat = dataWithWeights[i]; uint pos = dat.find('\t'); Record r; r.text = dat.substr(0, pos); r.weight = 1. / atoi(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str()); records.push_back(r); } break; case PerfDataENRON: setFn(path + "enron/words.txt"); if (exist()){ load(); return; } readString(dataWithWeights, fn, no); no = dataWithWeights.size(); for (uint i = 0; i < no; i++) { string dat = dataWithWeights[i]; uint pos = dat.find('\t'); Record r; r.text = dat.substr(0, pos); r.weight = atof(dat.substr(pos + 1).c_str()); records.push_back(r); } break; } // sort data elements by weight stable_sort(records.begin(), records.end(), greater()); data = new string[no]; weights = new float[no]; nograms = new uint[no]; for (uint i = 0; i < no; i++) { data[i] = records[i].text; weights[i] = records[i].weight; nograms[i] = gramGen.getNumGrams(data[i]); } save(); } void PerfData::setFn(string fn) { this->fn = fn; fnStr = fn.substr(0, fn.rfind('.')) + "/data/data." + utosh(no) + ".str.txt"; fnWht = fn.substr(0, fn.rfind('.')) + "/data/data." + utosh(no) + ".wht.bin"; fnNGr = fn.substr(0, fn.rfind('.')) + "/data/data." + utosh(no) + ".ngr.bin"; } bool PerfData::exist() const { return existFile(fnStr) && existFile(fnWht) && existFile(fnNGr); } void PerfData::load() { data = new string[no]; weights = new float[no]; nograms = new uint[no]; readTextFile(fnStr, data); readBinaryFile(fnWht, weights); readBinaryFile(fnNGr, nograms); } void PerfData::save() const { writeTextFile(fnStr, data, data + no); writeBinaryFile(fnWht, weights, weights + no); writeBinaryFile(fnNGr, nograms, nograms + no); } string randomEdit(string s, uint noEd) { for (uint i = 0; i < noEd; ++i) { uint pos = rand() % s.length(); s[pos] = s[pos] + 1; } return s; } PerfQue::PerfQue( const PerfData &data, uint no, uint noData, uint noKwd, uint noEd): no(no), noKwd(noKwd) { if (noData == 0 || noData > data.no) noData = data.no; string fn = data.fn.substr(0, data.fn.rfind('.')) + "/que/data." + utosh(noData) + ".que." + utosh(no) + (noKwd == 1? "" : "." + utosh(noKwd) + "." + utosh(noEd)) + ".txt"; if (existFile(fn)) readString(que, fn); else { selectRandom(data.data, data.data + noData, back_inserter(que), no); srand(time(0)); for (uint i = 0; i < no; i += noKwd) for (uint j = 1; j < noKwd && i + j < no; ++j) que[i + j] = randomEdit(que[i], noEd); writeTextFile(fn, que.begin(), que.end()); } } PerfAns::PerfAns( const PerfData &data, const PerfQue &que, const SimMetric &simMetric, uint no, bool isWeight): no(no) { string fn = data.fn.substr(0, data.fn.rfind('.')) + "/ans/data." + utosh(data.no) + ".que." + utosh(que.no) + ".ans." + utosh(no) + "." + (isWeight ? "wh" : "nw") + ".q." + utos(simMetric.gramGen.getGramLength()) + "." + simMetric.name + ".bin"; if (existFile(fn)) load(fn); else { cerr << "building ans..." << endl; TIMER_START("ans", que.no); for (vector::const_iterator qu = que.que.begin(); qu != que.que.end(); ++qu) { multiset > ansTopk; set gramQue; simMetric.gramGen.decompose(*qu, gramQue); for (uint i = 0; i < data.no; i++) { set gramData; simMetric.gramGen.decompose(data.data[i], gramData); set gramInter; set_intersection( gramQue.begin(), gramQue.end(), gramData.begin(), gramData.end(), inserter(gramInter, gramInter.begin())); if (gramInter.size()) { float sim = simMetric(*qu, data.data[i]); ansTopk.insert(Answer(i, score(sim, data.weights[i]))); if (ansTopk.size() > no) ansTopk.erase(ansTopk.begin()); } } vector answID; for (multiset >::const_reverse_iterator a = ansTopk.rbegin(); a != ansTopk.rend(); ++a) { answID.push_back(a->wID); } ans.push_back(answID); TIMER_STEP(); } TIMER_STOP(); cerr << "OK" << endl; save(fn); } } void PerfAns::load(const string &filename) { vector *data = new vector; readBin(*data, filename); for (vector::const_iterator dat = data->begin(); dat != data->end(); ) { uint count = *dat; ++dat; vector a; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++, ++dat) a.push_back(*dat); ans.push_back(a); } delete data; } void PerfAns::save(const string &filename) const { vector *data = new vector; for (vector >::const_iterator an = ans.begin(); an != ans.end(); ++an) { data->push_back(an->size()); for (vector::const_iterator a = an->begin(); a != an->end(); ++a) data->push_back(*a); } writeBinaryFile(filename, data->begin(), data->end()); delete data; } bool PerfAns::isEqual( const PerfData &data, const SimMetric &simMetric, const vector &topk, const vector &ans, const Query &q) { const float eps = .0001; // .000001 if (topk != ans) { for (uint i = 0; i < topk.size(); i++) { float sc_t = score( simMetric(q.str, data.data[topk[i]]), data.weights[topk[i]]), sc_a = score( simMetric(q.str, data.data[ans[i]]), data.weights[ans[i]]); if (topk[i] != ans[i] && !(fabs(sc_t - sc_a) < numeric_limits::epsilon() + eps)) { SimMetricGramCount s(q.sim.gramGen); cerr << q.str << endl << "t: " << setw(7) << topk[i] << ' ' << setw(20) << data.data[topk[i]] << ", " << setw(2) << static_cast(s(q.str, data.data[topk[i]])) << ", " << simMetric(q.str, data.data[topk[i]]) << ' ' << data.weights[topk[i]] << ' ' << sc_t << endl << "a: " << setw(7) << ans[i] << ' ' << setw(20) << data.data[ans[i]] << ", " << setw(2) << static_cast(s(q.str, data.data[ans[i]])) << ", " << simMetric(q.str, data.data[ans[i]]) << ' ' << data.weights[ans[i]] << ' ' << sc_a << endl << fabs(sc_t - sc_a) << endl; return false; } } if (topk.size() != ans.size()) { cerr << "topk.size: " << topk.size() << " ans.size " << ans.size() << endl; return false; } } return true; } PerfIndex::PerfIndex(const PerfData &data, const GramGen &gramGen, uint ver) { string fn = data.fn.substr(0, data.fn.rfind('.')) + "/gram/data." + utosh(data.no) + ".q." + utos(gramGen.getGramLength()) + (ver ? ".v" + utos(ver) : "") + ".bin"; if (existFile(fn)) if (ver) index_v1.load(fn); else index.load(fn); else { if (ver) { index_v1.build(data.data, data.data + data.no, gramGen); index_v1.save(fn); } else { index.build(data.data, data.data + data.no, gramGen); index.save(fn); } } }