/* $Id: perftest.cc 5776 2010-10-20 01:34:22Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 05/31/2008 Author: Rares Vernica */ #include #include #include #include "topk.h" #include "perftest_exps.h" #include "perftest_util.h" #include "util/src/io.h" #include "util/src/output.h" #include "util/src/misc.h" #include "util/src/time.h" using namespace std; using namespace Topk; uint thresholdInit = 0; // threshold for Iterative and TwoPhase bool thresholdPerf = false; uint factorK = 1; // for Iterative float time1 = 0; void smoke(Alg alg) { cerr << "smoke " << getAlgName(alg) << endl; const uint noData = 1500000; const uint noQue = 1000; const uint noAns = 1000; const bool isWeight = true; GramGenFixedLen gramGen(3); SimMetricEdNorm simMetric(gramGen); PerfData data(gramGen, PerfDataIMDB, noData); PerfQue que(data, noQue); PerfAns ans(data, que, simMetric, noAns, isWeight); PerfIndex index(data, simMetric.gramGen, getAlgVer(alg)); TIMER_START("smoke", noQue); vector topk; for (uint i = 0; i < que.no; i++) // uint i = 5; { OUTPUT("i", i); Query query(que.que[i], simMetric, noAns); if (alg == AlgRoundRobin || alg == AlgHeap) { IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, query); runAlg( alg, data.data, data.weights, data.nograms, index.index, query, indexQuery, back_inserter(topk)); } else { set gramsQue; query.sim.gramGen.decompose(query.str, gramsQue); IndexQuery_v1 idxQue_v1; for (set::const_iterator gram = gramsQue.begin(); gram != gramsQue.end(); ++gram) { Array *ptr = index.index_v1.lists.find(*gram)->second; idxQue_v1.push_back(ptr); } gramsQue.clear(); thresholdInit = query.noGrams; runAlg_v1( alg, data.data, data.weights, data.nograms, index.index_v1, query, idxQue_v1, back_inserter(topk)); } OUTPUT_L2("top", topk); OUTPUT_L2("ans", ans.ans[i]); assert(PerfAns::isEqual(data, simMetric, topk, ans.ans[i], query)); topk.clear(); TIMER_STEP(); } TIMER_STOP(); cerr << "OK" << endl; } void smokeMulti() { cerr << "smokeMulti" << endl; const uint noData = 1500000; const uint noQue = 100; const uint noAns = 10; const bool isWeight = true; GramGenFixedLen gramGen(3); SimMetricEdNorm simMetric(gramGen); PerfData data(gramGen, PerfDataIMDB, noData); PerfQue que(data, noQue); PerfAns ans(data, que, simMetric, noAns, isWeight); PerfIndex index(data, simMetric.gramGen, 0); uint noKwd = 2; range ques; ques._begin = new Query*[noKwd]; ques._end = ques._begin + noKwd; vector > topks; for (uint i = 0; i < noKwd; ++i) topks.push_back(vector(noAns)); TIMER_START("smoke", noQue); vector topk; for (uint i = 0; i < que.no - noKwd + 1; i++) // uint i = 5; { QueryGroup queGrp(que.que.begin() + i, noKwd, simMetric, noAns); OUTPUT("i", i); IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, queGrp); Topk::Heap::getTopks( data.data, data.weights, index.index, queGrp, indexQuery, topks); for (uint j = 0; j < noKwd; ++j) { OUTPUT_L2("que", queGrp.strs[j]); OUTPUT_L2("top", topks[j]); OUTPUT_L2("ans", ans.ans[i + j]); } for (uint j = 0; j < noKwd; ++j) assert( PerfAns::isEqual( data, simMetric, topks[j], ans.ans[i + j], Query(queGrp.strs[j], queGrp.sim, queGrp.k))); TIMER_STEP(); } TIMER_STOP(); cerr << "OK" << endl; } void perf( SimMetric &simMetric, Alg alg, PerfDataName perfDataName, uint noData) { cerr << "perf " << getAlgName(alg) << endl; const uint noQue = 100; const uint noAns = 10; PerfData data(simMetric.gramGen, perfDataName, noData); PerfQue que(data, noQue); PerfIndex index(data, simMetric.gramGen, getAlgVer(alg)); uint jMax = 5; // 5 float t = 0; uint topk[noAns]; TIMER_START("exps", jMax); for (uint j = 0; j < jMax; j++) { TIME_START; if (alg == AlgRoundRobin || alg == AlgHeap) for (uint i = 0; i < que.no; i++) { Query query(que.que[i], simMetric, noAns); thresholdInit = query.noGrams; IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, query); runAlg( alg, data.data, data.weights, data.nograms, index.index, query, indexQuery, topk); } else for (uint i = 0; i < que.no; i++) { Query query(que.que[i], simMetric, noAns); thresholdInit = query.noGrams; set gramsQue; query.sim.gramGen.decompose(query.str, gramsQue); IndexQuery_v1 idxQue_v1; for (set::const_iterator gram = gramsQue.begin(); gram != gramsQue.end(); ++gram) { Array *ptr = index.index_v1.lists.find(*gram)->second; idxQue_v1.push_back(ptr); } gramsQue.clear(); runAlg_v1( alg, data.data, data.weights, data.nograms, index.index_v1, query, idxQue_v1, topk); } TIME_END; t += _tms / que.no; TIMER_STEP(); } TIMER_STOP(); float s = t / jMax; cout << setw(8) << s << " ms/que" << endl; cerr << "OK" << endl; } void perfMulti( SimMetric &simMetric, PerfDataName perfDataName, uint noData) { cerr << "perfMulti" << endl; const uint noQue = 100; const uint noAns = 10; const uint noKwd = 2; PerfData data(simMetric.gramGen, perfDataName, noData); PerfQue que(data, noQue, noData, noKwd, 2); PerfIndex index(data, simMetric.gramGen, 0); const uint jMax = 3; // 5 float t = 0; uint topk[noAns]; for (uint j = 0; j < jMax; j++) { TIME_START; for (uint i = 0; i < que.no; i++) { Query query(que.que[i], simMetric, noAns); thresholdInit = query.noGrams; IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, query); Topk::Heap::getTopk( data.data, data.weights, index.index, query, indexQuery, topk); } TIME_END; t += _tms / que.no; } float s = t / jMax; cout << setw(8) << s << " ms/que, total: " << (s * noKwd) <<" ms/que "<< endl; uint topks[noKwd][noAns]; t = 0; TIMER_START("exps", jMax); for (uint j = 0; j < jMax; j++) { TIME_START; for (uint i = 0; i < que.no - que.no % noKwd; i += noKwd) { QueryGroup queGrp(que.que.begin() + i, noKwd, simMetric, noAns); IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, queGrp); Topk::Heap::getTopks( data.data, data.weights, index.index, queGrp, indexQuery, topks); } TIME_END; t += _tms / ((que.no - que.no % noKwd) / noKwd); TIMER_STEP(); } TIMER_STOP(); s = t / jMax; cout << setw(8) << s << " ms/que" << endl; cerr << "OK" << endl; } #ifdef DEBUG void debug() { cerr << "debug " << endl; const uint noData = 400000; const uint noQue = 100; const uint noAns = 10; const uint noKwd = 2; uint iBeg = 0; GramGenFixedLen gramGen(2); SimMetricEdNorm simMetric(gramGen); PerfData data(gramGen, PerfDataENRON, noData); PerfQue que(data, noQue, noData / 1000); Query q(que.que[iBeg], simMetric, noAns); TIME_START; // for (uint i = 0; i < data.no; i++) // q.sim(q.str, data.data[i]); TIME_END; float simSpeed = _tms / data.no; cerr << "sim speed " << simSpeed << "ms/sim" << endl; uint topk[noAns]; PerfIndex index(data, simMetric.gramGen, 0); fill(topk, topk + noAns, 0); simComp = simTime = 0; thrFreq.clear(); cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl; TIME_RESET; for (uint i = iBeg; i < noKwd + iBeg; i++) { Query query(que.que[i], simMetric, noAns); thresholdInit = query.noGrams; IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, query); Topk::Heap::getTopk( data.data, data.weights, index.index, query, indexQuery, topk); cout << "que " << que.que[i] << endl; // cout << "thr freq" << endl; // for (map::const_iterator t = thrFreq.begin(); // t != thrFreq.end(); ++t) // cout << t->first << '\t' << t->second << endl; // cout << endl; // thrFreq.clear(); cout << "thr freq sim" << endl; for (map::const_iterator t = thrFreqSim.begin(); t != thrFreqSim.end(); ++t) cout << t->first << '\t' << t->second << endl; cout << endl; thrFreqSim.clear(); for (uint j = 0; j < noAns; ++j) cout << topk[j] << ":" << data.data[topk[j]] << "; "; cout << endl; } TIME_END; cerr << "topk " << setw(20) << right << _tms << "ms" << endl; cout << "sim comp " << simComp << endl; cout << "sim time comp " << simComp * simSpeed << endl; cout << "sim time " << simTime << endl; cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl; uint topks[noKwd][noAns]; simComp = simTime = 0; thrFreq.clear(); QueryGroup queGrp(que.que.begin() + iBeg, noKwd, simMetric, noAns); TIME_RESET; IndexQuery indexQuery(index.index, queGrp); Topk::Heap::getTopks( data.data, data.weights, index.index, queGrp, indexQuery, topks); TIME_END; cerr << "topk-multi" << setw(20) << right << _tms << "ms" << endl; cout << "sim comp " << simComp << endl; cout << "sim time comp " << simComp * simSpeed << endl; cout << "sim time " << simTime << endl; cout << "thr freq" << endl; for (map::const_iterator t = thrFreq.begin(); t != thrFreq.end(); ++t) cout << t->first << '\t' << t->second << endl; cout << endl; // cout << "thrs freq" << endl; // for (map >::const_iterator ts = thrsFreq.begin(); // ts != thrsFreq.end(); ++ts) { // cout << ts->first; // for (map::const_iterator t = ts->second.begin(); // t != ts->second.end(); ++t) // cout << '\t' << t->first << '\t' << t->second << endl; // cout << endl; // } // cout << endl; cout << "thrs freq sim" << endl; for (map >::const_iterator ts = thrsFreqSim.begin(); ts != thrsFreqSim.end(); ++ts) { cout << ts->first; for (map::const_iterator t = ts->second.begin(); t != ts->second.end(); ++t) cout << '\t' << t->first << '\t' << t->second << endl; cout << endl; } cout << endl; for (uint i = 0; i < noKwd; ++i) { for (uint j = 0; j < noAns; ++j) cout << topks[i][j] << ":" << data.data[topks[i][j]] << "; "; cout << endl; } cerr << "OK" << endl; } void exp( SimMetric &simMetric, Alg alg, PerfDataName dataName, uint noDataStart, uint noDataStop, uint noDataStep) { cerr << "export " << getDataName(dataName) << '(' << utosh(noDataStart) << ", " << utosh(noDataStop) << ", " << utosh(noDataStep) << ")" << endl; const uint noQue = 100; for (uint noData = noDataStart; noData <= noDataStop; noData += noDataStep) { cerr << "noData " << utosh(noData) << endl; PerfData data(simMetric.gramGen, dataName, noData); PerfQue que(data, noQue); PerfIndex index(data, simMetric.gramGen, getAlgVer(alg)); string path("/data/search_dbms/imdb/"); string filename(path + "que." + utosh(noData) + ".txt"); ofstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::out); if (!file) { cerr << "can't open output file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cerr << "writing \"" << filename << "\"..."; cerr.flush(); // for (uint i = 0; i < data.no; ++i) // file << i << '\t' << data.data[i] << '\t' << data.weights[i] << endl; // for (unordered_map >::const_iterator // i = index.index.lists.begin(); // i != index.index.lists.end(); ++i) // for (uint* j = i->second._begin; j != i->second._end; ++j) // file << i->first<< '\t' << *j << endl; for (vector::const_iterator q = que.que.begin(); q != que.que.end(); ++q) file << *q << endl; cerr << "OK" << endl; break; } cerr << "OK" << endl; } #endif int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cout << fixed << setprecision(2); cerr << fixed << setprecision(8); GramGenFixedLen gramGen(3); // 3 SimMetricJacc simMetric(gramGen); string scoreName = "sum"; cerr << scoreName << ", " << simMetric.name << endl; Topk::Heap::nLongParam = .01; // IMDB .01; WebCoprus .017 smoke(AlgHeap); // smokeMulti(); // perf(simMetric, AlgHeap, PerfDataIMDB, 1500000); // perf(simMetric, AlgHeap, PerfDataENRON, 400000); // perfMulti(simMetric, PerfDataIMDB, 1500000); // perfMulti(simMetric, PerfDataENRON, 400000); // debug(); // exp_xDataSize_yTime_zAlg( // simMetric, AlgHeap, PerfDataIMDB, 200000, 200000, 200000); // exp_xDataSize_yTime_Group( // simMetric, PerfDataIMDB, 200000, 200000, 200000, 2, 2); // exp_xDataSize_yTime_zAlg( // simMetric, (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), PerfDataIMDB, 200000, 1200000, 200000); // exp_xDataSize_yTime_zAlg( // simMetric, (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), PerfDataWebCorpus, 400000, 2400000, 400000); // exp_PerfThr_Iter( // simMetric, PerfDataIMDB, 200000, 1200000, 200000, scoreName); // exp_PerfThr_Iter( // simMetric, PerfDataWebCorpus, 400000, 2400000, 400000, scoreName); // exp_PerfThr_Time( // simMetric, // (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), // PerfDataIMDB, // 200000, // 1200000, // 200000, // scoreName); // exp_PerfThr_Time( // simMetric, // (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), // PerfDataWebCorpus, // 400000, // 2400000, // 400000, // scoreName); // exp_xDataSize_yTime_zAlg_Perf( // simMetric, // (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), // PerfDataIMDB, // 200000, // 1200000, // 200000, // scoreName); // exp_xDataSize_yTime_zAlg_Perf( // simMetric, // (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), // PerfDataWebCorpus, // 400000, // 2400000, // 400000, // scoreName); // exp_xQue_yTime_zThr( // simMetric, (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), PerfDataIMDB, 1200000); // exp_xQue_yTime_zThr( // simMetric, (Alg)atoi(argv[1]), PerfDataWebCorpus, 2400000); // exp_xQue_yThr(simMetric, AlgTwoPhase, PerfDataIMDB, atoi(argv[1])); // exp_xQue_yThr(simMetric, AlgTwoPhase, PerfDataWebCorpus, atoi(argv[1])); // exp(simMetric, AlgHeap, PerfDataIMDB, 200000, 1200000, 200000); return 0; }