/* $Id: mergeoptmerger.h 4887 2009-12-16 22:01:55Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2010 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license. This imeplementation merges multiple lists by the algorithm proposed in SIGMOD'04. "Effiicent set joins on similarity predicates" Separate lists to two disjoint sets according to the lengths of lists. Heap-merge short lists and binary search for longer lists. The lists are assumed to be sorted in an ascending order. Author: Jiaheng Lu Date: 05/16/2007 */ #ifndef _mergeoptmerger_h_ #define _mergeoptmerger_h_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "listmerger.h" #include "heap.h" #include "showutil.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "util/src/array.h" /* MergeOpt algorithm. Separate lists to two disjoint sets according to the lengths of lists. Heap-merge short lists and binary search for longer lists. */ template > class MergeOptMerger : public ListsMerger, InvList> { public: void merge_Impl(const vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, vector &results); string getName() { return "MergeOptMerger"; } }; template void MergeOptMerger:: merge_Impl(const vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, vector &results) { const unsigned MAXUnsigned = ~0; unsigned sizeOfInvertedLists = arrays.size(); if ((sizeOfInvertedLists < threshold) || (threshold == 0)) return; unsigned sortedIndex[sizeOfInvertedLists]; sortBySizeOfLists(arrays,sortedIndex); vector*> longLists,shortLists; separateTwoSets(&longLists,&shortLists,threshold, arrays, sortedIndex); addMAXUnsigned2EachList(shortLists,MAXUnsigned); unsigned shortListSize = shortLists.size(); unsigned dataHeap[shortListSize]; unsigned indexHeap[shortListSize]; makeInitialHeap(dataHeap,indexHeap,shortLists); unsigned heapSize = shortListSize; unsigned freq = 0; unsigned previous = dataHeap[0]; unsigned pointers [shortListSize]; for(register unsigned i=0;i= threshold) { if (results.size()==0) results.push_back(previous); else //check duplicate if (results.back() != previous) results.push_back(previous); } return; } else { pointers[smallestIndex]++; unsigned newData = shortLists.at(smallestIndex)->at(pointers[smallestIndex]); heapReplaceHead(newData, dataHeap,indexHeap, heapSize); if (smallest==previous) { freq++; }//if else { //binary search in long lists for previous binarySearchSet(freq,&longLists,previous); //add to result set if (freq >= threshold) { if (results.size()==0) results.push_back(previous); else if (results.back() != previous) results.push_back(previous); } //set to a new counter freq = 1; previous = smallest; }//end else }//end else }//end while }//end merge #endif