/* $Id: example.cc 6148 2012-02-22 23:13:40Z salsubaiee $ Copyright (C) 2010 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license. Date: 08/19/2010 Author: Sattam Alsubaiee */ #include #include #include #include #include "lbaktree.h" bool sortCondition(const string &a, const string &b) { return a.size() > b.size(); } bool parseLine(string &line, Rectangle &mbr, vector &kwds) { string coordinates = line.substr(0, line.find(",")); string keywords = line.substr(line.find(",") + 1, line.length()); istringstream coordinatesStream(coordinates); istringstream keywordsStream(keywords); string keyword; while(keywordsStream >> keyword) { transform(keyword.begin(), keyword.end(), keyword.begin(), ::tolower); kwds.push_back(keyword); } float coord; vector coords; while(coordinatesStream >> coord) { coords.push_back(coord); } if(coords.size() == 2) { mbr.min.x = coords[0]; mbr.min.y = coords[1]; mbr.max.x = mbr.min.x; mbr.max.y = mbr.min.y; } else { mbr.min.x = coords[0]; mbr.min.y = coords[1]; mbr.max.x = coords[2]; mbr.max.y = coords[3]; } if(kwds.empty()) { return false; } return true; } void printResults(LBAKTree &lbaktree, vector &objects) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) { cout << objects[i].id; vector objectKeywords; lbaktree.getObjectKeywords(objects[i].id, objectKeywords); for(unsigned j = 0; j < objectKeywords.size(); ++j) { cout << ", " << objectKeywords[j]; } cout << endl; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { string datasetFile = "../data/data.txt"; string queryWorkloadFile = "../data/queries.txt"; // this is an enum, can be "fl", "vl", or "vlf" AlgorithmType algoType = vlf; // space budget in bytes for the approximate indexes, this parameter is only for "vl" and "vlf" algorithms double spaceBudget = 500000000.0; // can be between 0 and 1 float similarityThreshold = 0.8f; // can be between 0 and 1 double keywordFrequencyThreshold = 1.0; // the approximate indexes level on the tree, this parameter is only for the "fl" algorithm //unsigned indexesLevel = 1; Storage st; // for the FL (fixed level) algorithm //LBAKTree lbaktree(&st, algoType, indexesLevel, similarityThreshold); // for the VL (variable level) algorithm //LBAKTree lbaktree(&st, queryWorkloadFile, algoType, spaceBudget, similarityThreshold); // for the VLF (variable level exploiting keyword-frequencies) algorithm LBAKTree lbaktree(&st, queryWorkloadFile, algoType, spaceBudget, similarityThreshold, keywordFrequencyThreshold); ifstream data(datasetFile.c_str()); if (!data) { cerr << "cannot open dataset file" << endl; return -1; } ifstream queries(queryWorkloadFile.c_str()); if (!queries) { cerr << "cannot open query workload file" << endl; return -1; } string line; uintptr_t count = 0; struct timeval t1, t2; struct timezone tz; // inserting the objects in the LBAK-tree while (getline(data, line)) { Rectangle mbr; Object obj; vector kwds; if(parseLine(line, mbr, kwds)) { obj.mbr = mbr; obj.id = count; lbaktree.insert(obj, kwds); } if ((count % 1000) == 0) cerr << count << endl; ++count; } cout << "building the index structures" << endl; lbaktree.buildIndex(); cout << "starting the queries" << endl; unsigned numOfQueries = 0, answer = 0; double totalTime = 0.0; while (getline(queries, line)) { vector objects; Rectangle range; vector kwds; parseLine(line, range, kwds); sort(kwds.begin(), kwds.end(), sortCondition); lbaktree.startTimeMeasurement(t1, tz); lbaktree.rangeQuery(objects, range, kwds); lbaktree.stopTimeMeasurement(t2, tz); double timeMeasurement = lbaktree.getTimeMeasurement(t1, t2); totalTime += timeMeasurement; printResults(lbaktree, objects); answer += objects.size(); ++numOfQueries; if ((count % 1000) == 0) cerr << count << endl; ++count; } cout << "AVG query time (ms): " << totalTime / numOfQueries << endl; cout << "Total queries answer: " << answer << endl; return 0; }