AppString > AppStringDoc
This tutorial will guide through the basics steps needed to perform approximate string search on a collection of strings using this library. This guide focuses on how to use the FilterTree (FilterTreeDoc) module.
Most modules in this release were developed and tested on Ubuntu Linux using the GNU GCC/G++ compiler.
In order to compile and run most modules you will need the following:
On systems with the aptitude package manager (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian) you can install all required packages by typing the following as root user (or using sudo):
$ apt-get install gcc g++ cmake libboost-dev
The module MatTreeDoc was developed in Visual C++. No makefile is provided for that module. We recommend using Windows and Visual C++ for that module.
For your convenience, we have added wrappers that contain all necessary objects as described in section "Basic Usage". All you need to do to build an index and execute queries, is to create an instance of a wrapper. These wrappers initialize components with default values and are the simplest and fastest way to use our library - at the expense of being able to control tuning parameters (which filters are used, fanout, etc.).
We recommend browsing through the code in filtertree/wrappers/src/
In this guide we will use a wrapper to show you how to perform approximate string search using the edit distance.
Let us first test whether we can successfully compile the Flamingo libraries.
Let us say you have extracted the Flamingo archive to the following directory: /home/joe/flamingo-4.0
The wrappers are part of the filtertree module which we compile as follows:
cd /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/ cmake . make
This should compile filtertree and the modules that it depends on, namely, util, common and listmerger.
The libraries and executables are placed in the build folder of their corresponding modules, e.g., the filtertree binaries are in /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/build/, the listmerger binaries are in /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/listmerger/build/, and so on.
Your /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/build/ should look something like this after compilation:
joe@joe-machine:~/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/build$ ls -l -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 18 2010-10-21 13:06 -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 482093 2010-10-22 12:11 example_ft -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 307624 2010-10-22 12:11 example_wrappers -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 106208 2010-10-22 12:11 -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 7043 2010-10-22 12:11 -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 376594 2010-10-22 12:12 perftest_ft -rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 453066 2010-10-22 12:12 unittest_ft
(note that the exact file sizes may differ from yours)
Now that we have compiled the library, we are ready to include it into an application.
Let us assume you wish to use the library in an application located in /home/joe/searchapp that consists of one source file /home/joe/searchapp/src/
We assume a directory structure similar to the ones used in Flamingo, i.e., we expect /home/joe/searchapp to have a folder src and a folder build.
We will discuss how to use a simple in-memory index. More examples can be found in /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/wrappers/
You can copy and paste the following lines of source code into /home/joe/searchapp/src/ for us to compile:
#include "filtertree/src/wrappers/wrappers.h" int main() { GramGenFixedLen gramGen(2); // using 2-grams StringContainerVector strContainer(true); strContainer.initStatsCollector(&gramGen); strContainer.fillContainer("/home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/data/female_names.txt", 4000); // create wrapper using edit distance (ed) and build index // params: stringcontainer, gramgenerator, use partitioning filter? WrapperSimpleEd wrapper(&strContainer, &gramGen, true); wrapper.buildIndex(); // perform search float editDistance = 1.0f; string queryString = "kathrin"; vector<unsigned> resultStringIDs;, editDistance, resultStringIDs); cout << "SIMILAR STRINGS: " << endl; for(unsigned i = 0; i < resultStringIDs.size(); i++) { string tmp; strContainer.retrieveString(tmp, resultStringIDs[i]); cout << tmp << endl; } }
In this example all data structures are stored in main memory.
This application will use the first 4000 lines of /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/data/female_names.txt as the data strings.
It will build an index to support approximate string search and answer a query that asks for all data strings that are within an edit-distance of 1 to "kathrin".
Finally, the results will be displayed.
Please refer to /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/wrappers/ and /home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/ for more examples.
We recommend you use CMake to generate a makefile to build your application. Hand-crafting a makefile is also possible but requires more effort and understanding. We will discuss how to use CMake to build your application.
We assume the following (as in the previous sections):
Let us create the CMakeLists.txt used by CMake to generate a makefile. Following the convention in Flamingo we will put it in /home/joe/searchapp/CMakeLists.txt.
You can copy and paste the following lines into /home/joe/searchapp/CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) # files to compile set(APPLICATION_EXEC_SRC src/ ) # where to look for header files include_directories ( . ../flamingo-4.0/src/ ../flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/ ../flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/src/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../ include lib ) # where to look for dependent libraries link_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../flamingo-4.0/src/common/build/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../flamingo-4.0/src/util/build/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../flamingo-4.0/src/listmerger/build/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/build/ ) # have cmake also build the filtertree module (if not built already) # the filtertree module will build util, common and listmerger add_subdirectory(../flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/ ../flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/) # GCC command line args add_definitions(-Wall -O3 -DDEBUG_TIMER_FANCY -DDEBUG_STAT -DED_MATRIX_DIM=2000) # create executable add_executable(searchapp ${APPLICATION_EXEC_SRC}) add_dependencies(searchapp wrappers-lib filtertree-lib common-lib util-lib listmerger-lib) target_link_libraries(searchapp wrappers-lib filtertree-lib common-lib util-lib listmerger-lib rt) set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build/")
The above is a very simple CMakeLists.txt. To compile your application, cd into /home/joe/searchapp/ and type:
cmake . make
This should compile your application and all necessary libraries and link them together properly.
Let us test the application. The compilation should have placed your searchapp executable in /home/joe/searchapp/build. To run the application:
cd '''/home/joe/searchapp/build''' ./searchapp
You should see the following output (or similar):
INPUTFILE: "/home/joe/flamingo-4.0/src/filtertree/data/female_names.txt" 100% FILLING CONTAINER: 4000/4000; 0'0"/0'0" 100% INSERTING INTO INDEX: 4000/4000; 0'0"/0'0" SIMILAR STRINGS: kathryn kathrin kathrine katherin
Congratulations, you have successfully created your first application using The Flamingo Package!
Approximate string search can be performed in two basic steps: (1) building the index, and (2) answering queries using the index. We will now discuss the basic components for each of the steps at a high-level.
Refer to filtertree/src/ for some advanced examples.
Apart from reading this guide, we recommend you browse through the code of some example files. We have provided these files to help you understand how to use the library as quickly as possible.