/* $Id: input.cc 5713 2010-09-09 03:11:22Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2010 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license. Date: 02/16/2007 Author: Rares Vernica */ #include "input.h" void readString(vector &data, const string &filenameData, unsigned count, unsigned maxLineLen) { ifstream fileData(filenameData.c_str()); if (!fileData) { cerr << "can't open input file \"" << filenameData << "\"" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } READING_FILE(filenameData); char *line = new char[maxLineLen + 1]; bool isIgnore = false; while (true) { fileData.getline(line, maxLineLen + 1); if (fileData.eof()) break; if (fileData.rdstate() & ios::failbit) { isIgnore = true; while (fileData.rdstate() & ios::failbit) { fileData.clear(fileData.rdstate() & ~ios::failbit); fileData.getline(line, maxLineLen); } cerr << "open reading input file \"" << filenameData << "\"" << endl << "line length might exceed " << maxLineLen << " characters" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else data.push_back(string(line)); if (count != 0 && data.size() == count) break; } READING_DONE(); fileData.close(); if (isIgnore) cerr << "WARNING" << endl << "some lines in the file exceeded " << maxLineLen << " characters and were ignored" << endl; delete [] line; } bool existFileBin(const string &filename) { ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary); if (!file) return false; file.close(); return true; } bool existFile(const string &filename) { ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ios::in); if (!file) return false; file.close(); return true; }