/* $Id: divideskipmerger.h 4887 2009-12-16 22:01:55Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2010 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license. This imeplementation merges multiple lists by the DividedSkip algorithm. The lists are assumed to be sorted in an ascending order. Author: Jiaheng Lu, Alexander Behm Date: 05/23/2007 */ #ifndef _divideskipmerger_h_ #define _divideskipmerger_h_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "listmerger.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "util/src/misc.h" #include "heap.h" // DivideSkip algorithm, // which combine MergeOpt and MergeSkip algorithm. template > class DivideSkipMerger : public ListsMerger, InvList> { private: // for estimation purposes float shortListsSlope; float shortListsIntercept; float longListsSlope; float longListsIntercept; // for calculating L float mu; // exponential probe, returns iterator to first element greater or equal to value inline typename InvList::iterator expProbe(typename InvList::iterator start, typename InvList::iterator end, unsigned value) const; // mergeskip with weights given void mergeSkip(const vector &arrays, const vector &weights, const unsigned threshold, const unsigned longLists, vector &results, vector &counters); // detect lists with identical references and return vector of distinct lists and their weights void detectDuplicateLists(vector &arrays, vector &newArrays, vector &newWeights); // we consider list weights void mergeWithDuplicateLists(vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, vector &results); // helper for query time estimatiom void getQueryStats(const vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, float& shortListsVar, float& shortListsTime, float& longListsVar, float& longListsTime); public: DivideSkipMerger(bool hasDuplicateLists = false) { this->hasDuplicateLists = hasDuplicateLists; this->shortListsSlope = 0.0f; this->shortListsIntercept = 0.0f; this->longListsSlope = 0.0f; this->longListsIntercept = 0.0f; this->mu = 0.01; } void merge_Impl(vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, vector &results); void fillEstimationParams(const vector* >& arrays, const vector& thresholds); float getEstimatedQueryTime(const vector& arrays, const unsigned threshold) const; static bool cmpInvList(const InvList* a, const InvList* b) { return a->size() < b->size(); } // mergeskip, every list has equal weight void mergeSkip(const vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, const unsigned longLists, vector &results, vector &counters); string getName() { return "DivideSkipMerger"; } }; template typename InvList::iterator DivideSkipMerger:: expProbe(typename InvList::iterator start, typename InvList::iterator end, unsigned value) const { unsigned c = 0; for(;;) { typename InvList::iterator iter = start + (1 << c); if(iter >= end) return end; else if(*iter >= value) return iter; c++; } } template void DivideSkipMerger:: mergeSkip(const vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, const unsigned longLists, vector &results, vector &counters) { const typename InvList::elementType maxUnsigned = (typename InvList::elementType)0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned numberOfInvertedList = arrays.size() - longLists; if (threshold > numberOfInvertedList) return; unsigned pointersIndex [numberOfInvertedList]; memset(pointersIndex, 0, numberOfInvertedList * sizeof(unsigned)); // add Max unsigned for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) arrays.at(i)->append(maxUnsigned); unsigned dataHeap [numberOfInvertedList]; unsigned indexHeap [numberOfInvertedList]; // make initial heap unsigned size = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) { unsigned t = arrays.at(i)->at(0); heapInsert(t,i,dataHeap,indexHeap,size); } unsigned sizeOfHeaps = numberOfInvertedList; unsigned pivot = threshold - 1; unsigned vectorIndexContainer[numberOfInvertedList]; while( dataHeap[0] < maxUnsigned ) { // Container of vector indexes which should be moved to the next position unsigned containerSize = 0; unsigned minData = dataHeap[0]; while(minData == dataHeap[0] && containerSize < numberOfInvertedList) { vectorIndexContainer[containerSize++] = indexHeap[0]; heapDelete(dataHeap,indexHeap,sizeOfHeaps); } if(containerSize >= threshold) { counters.push_back(containerSize); results.push_back(minData); //move to the next element for(unsigned i = 0; i < containerSize; i++) { unsigned j = vectorIndexContainer[i]; pointersIndex[j]++; } // insert to heaps for(unsigned i = 0; i < containerSize; i++) { unsigned index = vectorIndexContainer[i]; unsigned position = pointersIndex[index]; unsigned newData = arrays.at(index)->at(position); heapInsert(newData,index,dataHeap,indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps); } continue; } // pop more elements from heap // and skip nodes while (containerSize < pivot) { vectorIndexContainer[containerSize++] = indexHeap[0]; heapDelete(dataHeap,indexHeap,sizeOfHeaps); } // skip nodes for(unsigned i = 0; i < containerSize; i++) { unsigned j = vectorIndexContainer[i]; unsigned oldPosition = pointersIndex[j]; pointersIndex[j] = arrays.at(j)->binarySearch(dataHeap[0], oldPosition); } // insert to heaps for(unsigned i = 0; i < containerSize; i++) { unsigned index = vectorIndexContainer[i]; unsigned position = pointersIndex[index]; unsigned newData = arrays.at(index)->at(position); heapInsert(newData,index,dataHeap,indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps); } } // remove last MaxUnsigned element for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) arrays.at(i)->removeLastElement(); } template void DivideSkipMerger:: merge_Impl(vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, vector &results) { unsigned sizeOfInvertedLists = arrays.size(); if ((sizeOfInvertedLists < threshold) || ((signed)threshold <= 0)) return; if (this->hasDuplicateLists) { mergeWithDuplicateLists(arrays,threshold,results); return; } sort(arrays.begin(), arrays.end(), DivideSkipMerger::cmpInvList); unsigned longestSize = arrays.at(arrays.size()-1)->size(); unsigned longListsSize = (unsigned)floor(threshold / (mu*log2(longestSize) + 1)) ; if (longListsSize >= threshold) longListsSize = threshold - 1; // use mergeskip to search the short lists vector partialResults, counters; mergeSkip(arrays, threshold-longListsSize, longListsSize, partialResults, counters); unsigned stop = arrays.size(); unsigned start = stop - longListsSize; typename InvList::iterator longListsPointers [longListsSize]; for(unsigned j = start; j < stop; j++) longListsPointers[j - start] = arrays.at(j)->begin(); // use exponential probe + binary search for long lists for(register unsigned i = 0; i < partialResults.size(); i++) { unsigned ID = partialResults.at(i); if (counters.at(i) < threshold) { unsigned freq = 0; for(unsigned j = start; j < stop; j++) { unsigned llindex = j - start; typename InvList::iterator start = longListsPointers[llindex]; typename InvList::iterator end = expProbe(start, arrays.at(j)->end(), ID); typename InvList::iterator iter = lower_bound(start, end, ID); if(*iter == ID) freq++; longListsPointers[llindex] = iter; } if(freq+counters.at(i) >= threshold) results.push_back(ID); } else results.push_back(ID); } } template void DivideSkipMerger:: getQueryStats(const vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, float& shortListsVar, float& shortListsTime, float& longListsVar, float& longListsTime) { struct timeval t1, t2; struct timezone tz; unsigned sizeOfInvertedLists = arrays.size(); if (sizeOfInvertedLists < threshold) return; unsigned sortedIndex[sizeOfInvertedLists]; sortBySizeOfLists(arrays,sortedIndex); unsigned longestSize = arrays.at(sortedIndex[arrays.size()-1])->size(); unsigned longListsSize = (unsigned)floor(threshold / (mu*log2(longestSize) + 1)); if (longListsSize >= threshold) longListsSize = threshold - 1; vector longLists, shortLists; splitTwoSets(&longLists,&shortLists,threshold, arrays,sortedIndex,longListsSize); vector partialResults, counters; gettimeofday(&t1, &tz); mergeSkipShortLists(shortLists, threshold-longListsSize, partialResults, counters); gettimeofday(&t2, &tz); shortListsTime = ((t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)) / 1000.0f; unsigned longListsPointers [longLists.size()]; memset(longListsPointers, 0, sizeof(unsigned)*longLists.size()); // use binary search or hash search for long lists vector results; gettimeofday(&t1, &tz); for(register unsigned i=0;i<(unsigned)partialResults.size();i++) { unsigned ID = partialResults.at(i); if (counters.at(i)binarySearch(ID,longListsPointers[j]); longListsPointers[j]=pos; if (pos < longLists.at(j)->size() ) { if (longLists.at(j)->at(pos)==ID) freq++; } } if(freq+counters.at(i) >= threshold) results.push_back(ID); } else results.push_back(ID); } gettimeofday(&t2, &tz); longListsTime = ((t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)) / 1000.0f; // calculate the total sizes of short lists float log2 = log(2); unsigned shortListsSize = 0; for(unsigned i=0;isize(); // calculate the log2 sum of the total size of long lists float logLongLists = 0.0f; for(unsigned i=0;isize()) / log2; shortListsVar = ((float)shortListsSize / (float)((threshold - longLists.size()))) * logLongLists; longListsVar = shortListsSize * ( log(sizeOfInvertedLists) / log2 ); } template void DivideSkipMerger:: fillEstimationParams(const vector* >& arrays, const vector& thresholds) { vector shortListsXVals; vector shortListsYVals; vector longListsXVals; vector longListsYVals; float shortListsXVal = 0.0f; float shortListsYVal = 0.0f; float longListsXVal = 0.0f; float longListsYVal = 0.0f; for(unsigned i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { vector* currentArrs = arrays.at(i); if(currentArrs->size() <= 0) continue; getQueryStats(*currentArrs, thresholds.at(i), shortListsXVal, shortListsYVal, longListsXVal, longListsYVal); shortListsXVals.push_back(shortListsXVal); shortListsYVals.push_back(shortListsYVal); longListsXVals.push_back(longListsXVal); longListsYVals.push_back(longListsYVal); } // perform linear regressions linearRegression(shortListsXVals, shortListsYVals, shortListsSlope, shortListsIntercept); linearRegression(longListsXVals, longListsYVals, longListsSlope, longListsIntercept); } template float DivideSkipMerger:: getEstimatedQueryTime(const vector& arrays, const unsigned threshold) const { unsigned sizeOfInvertedLists = arrays.size(); if (sizeOfInvertedLists < threshold) return 0.0f; unsigned sortedIndex[sizeOfInvertedLists]; sortBySizeOfLists(arrays,sortedIndex); unsigned longestSize = arrays.at(sortedIndex[arrays.size()-1])->size(); unsigned longListsSize = (unsigned)floor(threshold / (mu*log2(longestSize) + 1)); if (longListsSize >= threshold) longListsSize = threshold - 1; vector longLists, shortLists; splitTwoSets(&longLists,&shortLists,threshold, arrays,sortedIndex,longListsSize); // calculate the total sizes of short lists float log2 = log(2); unsigned shortListsSize = 0; for(unsigned i=0;isize(); // calculate the log2 sum of the total size of long lists float logLongLists = 0.0f; for(unsigned i=0;isize()) / log2; float shortListsVar = ((float)shortListsSize / (float)((threshold - longLists.size()))) * logLongLists; float longListsVar = shortListsSize * ( log(sizeOfInvertedLists) / log2 ); return shortListsVar*shortListsSlope + longListsVar*longListsSlope + shortListsIntercept + longListsIntercept; } template void DivideSkipMerger:: detectDuplicateLists(vector &arrays, vector &newArrays, vector &newWeights) { // we need to take care of unequal lists with the same size // do exhaustive search within each list length group sort(arrays.begin(), arrays.end(), DivideSkipMerger::cmpInvList); set arraysAdded; for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < arrays.size(); i++) { InvList *currentArray = arrays.at(i); uintptr_t arrAddr = (uintptr_t)currentArray; unsigned currentCount = 1; // if the array has not been added previously if(arraysAdded.find(arrAddr) == arraysAdded.end()) { // search all arrays with the same length for identical pointers for(unsigned j = i + 1; j < arrays.size(); j++) { InvList *iArray = arrays.at(j); if(iArray->size() != currentArray->size()) break; if(iArray == currentArray) currentCount++; } // add the array newArrays.push_back(currentArray); newWeights.push_back(currentCount); arraysAdded.insert(arrAddr); } } // ALEX DEBUG /* unsigned weightSum = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < newArrays.size(); i++) { InvList* tmp = newArrays.at(i); bool contains = false; for(unsigned j = 0; j < tmp->size(); j++) { if(tmp->at(j) == 49) { contains = true; break; } } if(contains) { cout << "LIST: " << (unsigned)newArrays.at(i) << " " << newWeights.at(i) << endl; weightSum += newWeights.at(i); } } cout << "WEIGHTSUM: " << weightSum << endl; */ } template void DivideSkipMerger:: mergeSkip(const vector &arrays, const vector &weights, const unsigned threshold, const unsigned longLists, vector &results, vector &counters) { const typename InvList::elementType maxUnsigned = (typename InvList::elementType)0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned numberOfInvertedList = arrays.size() - longLists; unsigned pointersIndex [numberOfInvertedList]; memset(pointersIndex, 0, numberOfInvertedList * sizeof(unsigned)); // add Max unsigned for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) arrays.at(i)->append(maxUnsigned); unsigned dataHeap [numberOfInvertedList]; unsigned indexHeap [numberOfInvertedList]; // make initial heap unsigned size = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) { unsigned t = arrays.at(i)->at(0); heapInsert(t,i,dataHeap,indexHeap,size); } unsigned sizeOfHeaps = numberOfInvertedList; unsigned pivot = threshold - 1; unsigned vectorIndexContainer[numberOfInvertedList]; while ( dataHeap[0] < maxUnsigned ) { // Container of vector indexes which should be moved to the next position unsigned containerWeight = 0, containerSize = 0; // Check if we can get the result unsigned minData = dataHeap[0]; while (minData == dataHeap[0] && containerSize < numberOfInvertedList ) { vectorIndexContainer[containerSize++] = indexHeap[0]; containerWeight += weights[indexHeap[0]]; heapDelete(dataHeap,indexHeap,sizeOfHeaps); } if (containerWeight >= threshold) { counters.push_back(containerWeight); results.push_back(minData); //move to the next element for(unsigned i=0;iat(position); heapInsert(newData,index,dataHeap,indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps); } continue; } // pop more elements from heap // and skip nodes while(containerWeight < pivot) { // FIX BY ALEX // it is possible for a list to have a weight equals to T if(containerWeight + weights[indexHeap[0]] > pivot) break; vectorIndexContainer[containerSize++] = indexHeap[0]; containerWeight += weights[indexHeap[0]]; heapDelete(dataHeap,indexHeap,sizeOfHeaps); } // skip nodes for(unsigned i = 0; i < containerSize; i++) { unsigned j = vectorIndexContainer[i]; unsigned oldPosition = pointersIndex[j]; pointersIndex[j] = arrays.at(j)->binarySearch(dataHeap[0], oldPosition); } // insert to heaps for(unsigned i = 0; i < containerSize; i++) { unsigned index = vectorIndexContainer[i]; unsigned position = pointersIndex[index]; unsigned newData = arrays.at(index)->at(position); heapInsert(newData,index,dataHeap,indexHeap, sizeOfHeaps); } } // remove last MaxUnsigned element for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfInvertedList; i++) arrays.at(i)->removeLastElement(); } template void DivideSkipMerger:: mergeWithDuplicateLists(vector &arrays, const unsigned threshold, vector &results) { vector newArrays; vector newWeights; detectDuplicateLists(arrays, newArrays, newWeights); //assume that newArray should be sorted according to the length increasing unsigned longestSize = newArrays.at(newArrays.size()-1)->size(); unsigned targetLongListWeight = (unsigned)floor(threshold / (mu*log2(longestSize) + 1)); if(targetLongListWeight >= threshold) targetLongListWeight = threshold - 1; // START BUGFIX BY ALEX // THE CORRECT CHECK IS BELOW unsigned longListsSize = 0; unsigned totalLongListWeight = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < newArrays.size(); i++) { unsigned currentWeight = newWeights.at( newArrays.size() - 1 - i ); totalLongListWeight += currentWeight; if(totalLongListWeight >= targetLongListWeight) { if(totalLongListWeight >= threshold) { longListsSize = i; totalLongListWeight -= currentWeight; } else { longListsSize = i + 1; } break; } } // END BUGFIX BY ALEX // ALEX DEBUG /* cout << "THRESHOLD: " << threshold << endl; cout << "L: " << longListsSize << endl; unsigned llsum = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < longLists.size(); i++) { cout << "LONGLIST: " << (unsigned)longLists.at(i) << " " << longListsWeights.at(i) << " " << longLists.at(i)->size() << endl; llsum += longListsWeights.at(i); } cout << "LLSUM: " << llsum << endl; unsigned slsum = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < shortLists.size(); i++) { cout << "SHORTLIST: " << (unsigned)shortLists.at(i) << " " << shortListsWeights.at(i) << " " << shortLists.at(i)->size() << endl; slsum += shortListsWeights.at(i); } cout << "SLSUM: " << slsum << endl; */ // FIXED BY ALEX: new threshold is T - totalLongListWeight //cout << "BEFORE MERGING SHORT LISTS" << endl; //cout << "TOTALLONGLISTWEIGHT: " << threshold << " " << totalLongListWeight << endl; //cout << "ST IS: " << threshold-totalLongListWeight << endl; vector partialResults, counters; mergeSkip(newArrays, newWeights, threshold-totalLongListWeight, longListsSize, partialResults, counters); //cout << "AFTER MERGING SHORT LISTS" << endl; unsigned stop = newArrays.size(); unsigned start = stop - longListsSize; typename InvList::iterator longListsPointers [longListsSize]; for(unsigned j = start; j < stop; j++) longListsPointers[j - start] = newArrays.at(j)->begin(); for(register unsigned i = 0; i < partialResults.size(); i++) { unsigned ID = partialResults.at(i); if (counters.at(i) < threshold) { unsigned freq = 0; for(unsigned j = start; j < stop; j++) { unsigned llindex = j - start; typename InvList::iterator start = longListsPointers[llindex]; typename InvList::iterator end = expProbe(start, newArrays.at(j)->end(), ID); typename InvList::iterator iter = lower_bound(start, end, ID); if(*iter == ID) freq += newWeights.at(j); longListsPointers[llindex] = iter; } if(freq+counters.at(i) >= threshold) results.push_back(ID); } else results.push_back(ID); } } #endif