/* $Id: display.cc 5772 2010-10-19 07:15:28Z abehm $ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 08/19/2008 Author: Rares Vernica */ #include "display.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; void DisplayLists::init( const list > &initialLists, const Query &query) { g = query.sim.gramGen.getGramLength(); query.sim.gramGen.decompose(query.str, gs, '#', '$'); gn = gs.size(); string q(query.str); if (query.sim.gramGen.prePost) q = string(g - 1, 156) + query.str + string(g - 1, 190); set gramsset, gramsetFinal; query.sim.gramGen.decompose(query.str, gramsetFinal); longest = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < gn; ++i) { string gram(q.substr(i, g)); uint h = tr1::hash()(gram); if (gramsset.find(h) == gramsset.end()) { gramsset.insert(h); list >::const_iterator l = initialLists.begin(); for(set::const_iterator s = gramsetFinal.begin(); s != gramsetFinal.end(); ++s, ++l) if (*s == h) { lists.push_back(DisplayListsInfo(*l)); uint lg = l->_end - l->_begin; if (lg > longest) longest = lg; break; } } } } void DisplayLists::show(const list > &crt) { stringstream out; // top separator for (uint i = 0; i < gn; ++i) { if (i) out << ' '; out << " |" << string(g, '-') << '|'; } out << endl; // header for (uint i = 0; i < gn; ++i) { if (i) out << ' '; out << " |\033[1m" << gs[i] << "\033[0m|"; } out << endl; // ids for (list::iterator l = lists.begin(); l != lists.end(); ++l) for (list >::const_iterator c = crt.begin(); c != crt.end(); ++c) if (l->r._end == c->_end) { l->i = l->r._begin; if (l->c != c->_begin) { // updated l->p = l->c; l->c = c->_begin; l->u = true; } l->e = false; break; } for (list::iterator l = lists.begin(); l != lists.end(); ++l) { if (l->e) { // no longer present l->i = l->r._begin; l->e = false; if (l->c != l->r._end) { // just deleted l->p = l->c; l->c = l->r._end; l->u = true; } } if (l != lists.begin()) out << ' '; out << (l->c == l->r._begin ? "\033[0;36m/\033[0;37m" : " ") << '|' << string(g, '-') << '|'; } out << endl; for (uint i = 0; i < longest + 1; ++i) { for (list::iterator l = lists.begin(); l != lists.end(); ++l) { if (l != lists.begin()) out << ' '; if (!l->e) { if (l->u) out << "\033[1;31m"; else out << "\033[0;36m"; out << (l->i >= l->p ? (l->i <= l->c ? (l->i == l->c ? '\\' : (l->i == l->p ? '/' : '|')) : ' ') : ' '); out << "\033[0;37m"; out << '|'; if (l->i != l->r._end) { out << (l->i > l->p && l->i < l->c ? "\033[0;34m" : "") << setw(g) << *l->i << (l->i > l->p && l->i < l->c ? "\033[0;37m" : ""); ++l->i; } else { out << string(g, '-'); l->e = true; l->u = false; } out << '|'; } else out << string(g + 3, ' '); } out << endl; } out << "Press ENTER to continue..."; cout << out.str(); getchar(); cout << endl; }