/* $Id$ Copyright (C) 2007 by The Regents of the University of California Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the BSD license Date: 01/30/2007 Author: Rares Vernica <rares (at) ics.uci.edu> */ #ifndef _gram_h_ #define _gram_h_ #include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <tr1/functional> #include <tr1/unordered_map> #include "array.h" using namespace std; using namespace tr1; typedef unordered_map <unsigned, Array<unsigned>*> GramListMap; const unsigned char PREFIXCHAR = 156; // pound const unsigned char SUFFIXCHAR = 190; // yen extern hash<string> hashString; // convert a string to a BAG of grams void str2grams(const string &s, vector<string> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a BAG of hashed grams void str2grams(const string &s, vector<unsigned> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a BAG (multiset) of grams void str2grams(const string &s, multiset<string> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a BAG (multiset) of hashed grams void str2grams(const string &s, multiset<unsigned> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a SET of grams void str2grams(const string &s, set<string> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a SET of hashed grams void str2grams(const string &s, set<unsigned> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a SET of hashed grams with count void str2grams(const string &s, map<unsigned, unsigned> &res, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // convert a string to a BAG of hashed grams without prefix and postfix void str2gramsNoPrePost(const string &s, vector<unsigned> &res, unsigned q = 3); // convert a string to a SET of grams without prefix and postfix void str2gramsNoPrePost(const string &s, set<string> &res, unsigned q = 3); // convert a string to a SET of hashed grams without prefix and postfix void str2gramsNoPrePost(const string &s, set<unsigned> &res, unsigned q = 3); // in the future, if we want to add positional information, we can // just change the type of "string" to "pair<string, unsigned>" //convert strings to inverted lists with id and position information // Please do not forget to delete space in map in your own code // If create grams without prefix and suffic, please set addStEn = false void createIdPosInvertedLists(const vector<string> data, bool addStEn, GramListMap &idLists, GramListMap &posLists, unsigned q = 3, unsigned char st = PREFIXCHAR, unsigned char en = SUFFIXCHAR); // Get special grams which contains in "ch" set // this function is used in synonym work void getSpecialGrams(const string &s, unsigned q, const vector<char> ch, set<unsigned> &res); // convert a list of grams to the corresponding string void grams2str(const vector<string> &v, string &s, const unsigned q = 3); unsigned gram2id(const string &gram); // get ID from gram void id2gram(unsigned id, string &res, const unsigned q = 3); // get ID from unsigned extern hash<string> hashString; class GramId // grams as IDs in a vector with all possible grams { public: GramId(unsigned q = 3, char st = PREFIXCHAR, char en = SUFFIXCHAR, const string &charset = charsetEn, bool withPerm = true); GramId(const string &filenamePreffix); void saveData(const string &filenamePreffix) const; unsigned getQ() const { return q; } unsigned getCharsetLen() const { return charsetLen; } unsigned getN() const { return n; } unsigned getId(const string &gram) const; // get ID from gram string getGram(unsigned id) const; // get gram from ID void getIds(const string &s, vector<unsigned> &ids) const; // convert string to list of gram IDs void getGrams(const vector<unsigned> &ids, vector<string> &grams) const; // convert list of gram IDs to list of grams bool consistData(const string &filenamePrefix, const string &filenameExt) const; bool operator==(const GramId& g) const; static const string charsetEn; // English character private: unsigned q; // length of grams char st, en; // start and end char for grams // (e.g., PREFIXCHAR and SUFFIXCHAR) string charset; // possible characters unsigned charsetLen; unsigned n; // length of vector with all possible grams vector<unsigned> perm; // permutation for gram IDs static const unsigned charsetLenMax; // max length of the charset static const string gramidSuffix; void loadData(const string &filenamePrefix); unsigned invPerm(unsigned id) const; }; // convert a string to a list of words void str2words(const string &s, vector<string> &res, const string &delims = " \t"); // Word Index typedef set<unsigned> Ids; typedef pair<string, Ids> WordEntry; // version 1 typedef unordered_map<string, Ids> WordHash; // version 2 typedef vector<WordEntry> WordIds; typedef unordered_map<string, unsigned> WordKey; class WordIndex { public: static void build(const vector<string> &data, WordHash &wordHash); static void build(const string &filenameDataset, WordHash &wordHash); static void build(const vector<string> &data, WordIds &wordIds, WordKey &wordKey); static void build(const string &filenameDataset, WordIds &wordIds, WordKey &wordKey); static void save(const string &filenameWords, const string &filenameIds, const WordHash &wordHash); static void load(const string &filenameWords, const string &filenameIds, WordHash &wordHash); static void save(const string &filenameWids, const string &filenameWkey, const WordIds &wordIds, const WordKey &wordKey); static void load(const string &filenameWids, const string &filenameWkey, WordIds &wordIds, WordKey &wordKey); static bool exist(const string &filename1, const string &filename2); static void build(const vector<string> &data, vector<string> &wordVect, vector<Ids> &idsVect, WordKey &wordPosMap); static void save(const string &filename, const vector<string> &wordVect, const vector<Ids> &idsVect, const WordKey &wordPosMap); static void load(const string &filename, vector<string> &wordVect, vector<Ids> &idsVect, WordKey &wordPosMap); }; #endif