// // $Id$ // // Trie.cpp: implementation of the Trie class. // // Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 by The Regents of the University of // California // // Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the // BSD license // // Date: October, 2004 // // Author: // Liang Jin (liangj@ics.uci.edu) // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include //#include "parameters.h" #include #include #include "NFA.h" #include "NFAMatch.h" using namespace std; #include "Trie.h" extern double totalEDTime; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Trie::Trie() { root = TrieNewNode(); //TrieInitNode(root); setName(root->names, EPSILON); // memset(content, ' ', TRIELEN); } Trie::~Trie() { TrieFreeNode(root); } struct TrieNode * Trie::TrieNewNode() { register struct TrieNode *n; //n = new Node; n = (struct TrieNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct TrieNode)); assert(n); TrieInitNode(n); return n; } void Trie::TrieInitNode(struct TrieNode *N) { register struct TrieNode *n = N; register int i; n->count = 0; n->isCompressed = false; n->names = 0; n->com.size = 0; n->com.depth = 0; for (i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) n->child[i] = NULL; n->parent = NULL; } void Trie::TrieFreeNode(struct TrieNode *p) { int i; assert(p); //delete p; if(p->count == 0) { p->parent = NULL; free(p); } else { for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(p->child[i] != NULL) { TrieFreeNode(p->child[i]); p->child[i] = NULL; } } free(p); } return; } void Trie::TrieClearTrie() { TrieFreeNode(root); root = TrieNewNode(); setName(root->names, EPSILON); } struct TrieNode* Trie::CopyTrie(struct TrieNode* p, struct TrieNode* parent) { int i; struct TrieNode* newnode = TrieNewNode(); newnode->names = p->names; newnode->isCompressed = p->isCompressed; newnode->count = p->count; newnode->depth = p->depth; newnode->com.depth = p->com.depth; newnode->com.size = p->com.size; newnode->parent = parent; if(newnode->count == 0) return newnode; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(p->child[i] != NULL) newnode->child[i] = CopyTrie(p->child[i], newnode); } return newnode; } string Trie::Trie2Str(struct TrieNode *root) { string result; oneNode2Str(root, result); return result; } void Trie::oneNode2Str(struct TrieNode *node, string &result){ int i; char name; if(node->count==0){ if(node->isCompressed == false) { name = getSingleName(node->names); result.append(&name, 1); } else { result.append("["); char alpha[10]; sprintf(alpha, "%d", node->names); result.append(alpha); result.append(","); char temp[2]; //itoa(node->com.depth, temp, 10); sprintf(temp, "%d", node->com.depth); result.append(temp); result.append("]"); } return; } else{ //result.append(&node->name, 1); if(node->isCompressed == false) { name = getSingleName(node->names); result.append(&name, 1); } else { result.append("["); char alpha[10]; sprintf(alpha, "%d", node->names); result.append(alpha); result.append(","); char temp[2]; //itoa(node->com.depth, temp, 10); sprintf(temp, "%d", node->com.depth); result.append(temp); result.append("]"); } if(node->count!=1) result.append("("); int counter = 0; for(i=0; iname); if(node->child[i] != NULL) { oneNode2Str(node->child[i], result); if(counter != node->count - 1){ result.append("|"); } counter++; } } if(node->count!=1) result.append(")"); } return; } struct TrieNode* Trie::Str2Trie(string input) { struct TrieNode* n; n = TrieNewNode(); //TrieInitNode(n); setName(n->names, EPSILON); input.erase(0,1); //remove the & at the beginning it's a epsilon state Str2oneNode(n, input); return n; } void Trie::Str2oneNode(struct TrieNode *node, string input) { int pos = input.find_first_of('('); int i, j, k, subIndex; struct TrieNode *temp = node; int index; //No () if(pos == -1) //there is no (), it's a single path { for(i=0; inames, input[i]); index = getIndex(input[i]); temp->child[index] = n; n->parent = temp; temp->count++; temp = temp->child[index]; } else { j = i+1; while(input[j] != ']') { j++; } char* substring = new char[j - i]; for(k = 0; k < j-i; k++) { substring[k] = input[i + k + 1]; } substring[j-i-1] = '\0'; n->isCompressed = true; char* name = new char[j - i]; for(k = 0; k < j-i-1; k++) { if(substring[k] != ',') { name[k] = substring[k]; //setName(n->names, substring[k]); //n->com.size++; } else break; } name[k] = '\0'; n->names = atoi(name); for(subIndex = 0; subIndex < ALPH_SIZE; subIndex ++) { if(getNameExist(n->names, subIndex) == true) n->com.size++; } n->com.depth = atoi(substring + k + 1); temp->child[ALPH_SIZE - 1] = n; //38 for compressed node n->parent = temp; temp->count++; temp = temp->child[ALPH_SIZE - 1]; i = j; //skip the part between [ ] delete[] substring; delete[] name; } } return; } //There is () if(pos > 0) //there are chars that are in a single path from the parent { for(i=0; inames, input[i]); index = getIndex(input[i]); temp->child[index] = n; n->parent = temp; temp->count++; temp = temp->child[index]; } else { j = i+1; while(input[j] != ']') { j++; } char* substring = new char[j - i]; for(k = 0; k < j-i; k++) { substring[k] = input[i + k + 1]; } substring[j-i-1] = '\0'; n->isCompressed = true; char* name = new char[j-i]; for(k = 0; k < j-i-1; k++) { if(substring[k] != ',') { name[k] = substring[k]; //setName(n->names, substring[k]); //n->com.size++; } else break; } name[k] = '\0'; n->names = atoi(name); for(subIndex = 0; subIndex < ALPH_SIZE; subIndex ++) { if(getNameExist(n->names, subIndex) == true) n->com.size++; } n->com.depth = atoi(substring + k + 1); temp->child[ALPH_SIZE - 1] = n; //ALPH_SIZE - 1 for compressed node n->parent = temp; temp->count++; temp = temp->child[ALPH_SIZE - 1]; i = j; //skip the part between [ ] delete[] substring; delete[] name; } } input.erase(0,pos); //erase everything before the first (, including the ( } input.erase(0, 1); if(input.length() == 0) return; int leftcount = 0; int cursor = 0; for(i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { if(input[i] == '|' && leftcount == 0) { string input2 = input.substr(cursor, i - cursor); Str2oneNode(temp, input2); cursor = i+1; } else if(input[i] == '(') { leftcount ++; } else if(input[i] == ')' && leftcount > 0) { leftcount --; } else if(input[i] == ')' && leftcount == 0) //last branch here { string input3 = input.substr(cursor, i - cursor); Str2oneNode(temp, input3); break; } } assert(i == input.length() - 1); return; } void Trie::AddToTrie(string s) { int lcv, index, character; s.append("&"); struct TrieNode *t = root; // loop over the length of the string to add and traverse the trie... for(lcv=0; lcv < s.length(); lcv++) { character = s[lcv]; // the character in s we are processing... index = getIndex(character); // is there a child node for this character? if (t->child[index] == NULL) { // if not, make one! t->child[index] = TrieNewNode(); t->child[index]->parent = t; //TrieInitNode(t->child[index]); setName(t->child[index]->names, character); t->count++; } // there is another string under this node... //t->child[index]->count++; // move to it this node... and loop t = t->child[index]; } } int Trie::getIndex(int character) { int index; if(character >= 'a' && character <= 'z') index = character - 'a'; else if(character == '~') index = 26; else if(character == '&') index = 27; else index = 28; //for compressed node return index; } char Trie::getCharFromIndex(int index) { char character; if(index >= 'a'-'a' && index <= 'z'-'a') character = index + 'a'; else if(index == 26) character = '~'; else if(index == 27) character = '&'; else character = '\0'; //for compressed node return character; } void Trie::MergeTries(struct TrieNode* t2) { string insertstr; InsertStrs(t2, insertstr); return; } void Trie::InsertStrs(struct TrieNode* t2, string insert) { int i; char name; if(t2->count == 0) { insert.erase(insert.length() - 1, 1); //get rid of the last &, since the insert will append it AddToTrie(insert); return; } for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(t2->child[i] != NULL) { name = getSingleName(t2->child[i]->names); insert.append(&name, 1); InsertStrs(t2->child[i], insert); insert.erase(insert.length() - 1, 1); } } } long Trie::getSize(struct TrieNode *p) { assert(p); string s; s = Trie2Str(p); return s.length(); } double Trie::getNumofStr(struct TrieNode* p) { assert(p); double counter = 0.0; getNum(p, counter); return counter; } bool Trie::getNum(struct TrieNode * p, double &counter) { int i; double temp; if(p->count == 0) // leaf node { if(p->isCompressed == false) // the node is compressed counter ++; else //not compressed { temp = (double)pow(p->com.size, p->com.depth); if(temp >= 0.0) counter += (double)pow(p->com.size, p->com.depth); } return true; } else //interior node { for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(p->child[i] != NULL) { getNum(p->child[i], counter); } } } return true; } void Trie::assignDepth() { assert(root); root->depth = assignOneDepth(root); } int Trie::assignOneDepth(struct TrieNode* p) { if(p->count == 0) //leaf node { p->depth = 0; return 0; } int i; bool first=true; int depth, temp; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(p->child[i] != NULL) { if(first) { depth = assignOneDepth(p->child[i]) + 1; first = false; } else { temp = assignOneDepth(p->child[i]) + 1; if(temp > depth) depth = temp; } } } p->depth = depth; return depth; } int Trie::getAlpha(struct TrieNode *p) { assert(p); int i; bool existing[ALPH_SIZE]; for(i=0; ichild[i] != NULL) getAlphaHelper(p->child[i], existing); int counter = 0; for(i=0; ichild[i] != NULL) getAlphaHelper(p->child[i], existing); if(existing[27] == true) existing[27] = false; return existing; } void Trie::getAlphaHelper(struct TrieNode* p, bool* existing) { int index; int i; if(p->count == 0) //leaf node { if(p->isCompressed == false) { index = getIndex(getSingleName(p->names)); existing[index] = true; } else { for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) if(getNameExist(p->names, i) == true) existing[i] = true; } return; } index = getIndex(getSingleName(p->names)); existing[index] = true; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(p->child[i] != NULL) getAlphaHelper(p->child[i], existing); } return; } //---------------------------------------------------- //---------------Bottom Up Compression---------------- //---------------------------------------------------- void Trie::getCandidateBottom(struct TrieNode* p, vector &list) { //insert all the depth 2 nodes into the vector as candidate list if(p->depth == 2) { struct BottomElem *ce = new struct BottomElem; ce->n = p; int numofchars = getAlpha(p); ce->newStrs = (double)pow(numofchars, p->depth - 1); ce->oldStrs = getNumofStr(p); ce->newSize = numofchars + (int)floor(log10(p->depth-1)+1) + 3; //[d,1], numofchars for d, floor() for 1, 3 for [,] ce->oldSize = Trie2Str(p).length() - 1; //(d$) -1 minus itself. Trie2Str() include p->name if(ce->newStrs < 0 || ce->oldStrs == INVALID) ce->cost = INVALID; else ce->cost = ce->newStrs - ce->oldStrs; ce->benefit = ce->oldSize - ce->newSize; list.push_back(ce); return; } if(p->depth == 0 || p->depth == 1) return; // for compressed node... doesn't count for candidate? for(int i=0; ichild[i] != NULL) getCandidateBottom(p->child[i], list); } return; } void Trie::CompressTrieBottomUp() { vector candid; getCandidateBottom(root, candid); //candid = getCandidateList(); // get all the leaf nodes int size, i; size = candid.size(); double originalsize = Trie2Str(root).length(); struct BottomElem *ce; struct TrieNode *parent; //double benefitratio, tempratio; double maxbenefit; double mincost, tempcost; int id; vector::iterator it; while(originalsize > TRIELEN && candid.size() > 0) { //compress here //find the best one to compress id = -1; size = candid.size(); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { if( candid[i]->cost != INVALID) { mincost = candid[i]->cost; maxbenefit = candid[i]->benefit; id = i; break; } else { mincost = -INVALID; maxbenefit = candid[i]->benefit; id = i; break; } } for( i++ ; i < size; i++) { if(candid[i]->cost != INVALID) { if(candid[i]->cost < mincost) { mincost = candid[i]->cost; maxbenefit = candid[i]->benefit; id = i; } else if(candid[i]->cost == mincost) { if(candid[i]->benefit > maxbenefit) { mincost = candid[i]->cost; maxbenefit = candid[i]->benefit; id = i; } } } else { tempcost = -INVALID; if(tempcost < mincost) { mincost = tempcost; maxbenefit = candid[i]->benefit; id = i; } else if(tempcost == mincost) { if(candid[i]->benefit > maxbenefit) { mincost = tempcost; maxbenefit = candid[i]->benefit; id = i; } } } } if(id == -1) break; ce = candid[id]; parent = ce->n->parent; //compress the subtree, attach it as the child of ce->n bool* existing; existing = getAlpha(ce->n, true); struct TrieNode* newnode; newnode = TrieNewNode(); newnode->count = 0; newnode->isCompressed = true; newnode->depth = ce->n->depth - 1; newnode->com.depth = ce->n->depth - 1; newnode->com.size = 0; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(existing[i] == true) { setName(newnode->names, getCharFromIndex(i)); newnode->com.size ++; } } ce->n->child[ALPH_SIZE - 1] = newnode; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE - 1; i++) { if(ce->n->child[i] != NULL) TrieFreeNode(ce->n->child[i]); ce->n->child[i] = NULL; } ce->n->count = 1; newnode->parent = ce->n; //remove the entry from the candidate list. insert its parent it = candid.begin(); for(i = 0; i < id; i++) it++; candid.erase(it); if(parent != NULL) { bool found = false; for(it = candid.begin(); it != candid.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->n == parent) { found = true; break; } } if(found == false)//if the parent doesn't exist in the list, insert its parent { struct BottomElem *par = new struct BottomElem; par->n = parent; int numofchars = getAlpha(par->n); par->newStrs = (double)pow(numofchars, par->n->depth - 1); par->oldStrs = getNumofStr(par->n); par->newSize = numofchars + (int)floor(log10(par->n->depth-1)+1) + 3; //[d,1], numofchars for d, floor() for 1, 3 for [,] par->oldSize = Trie2Str(par->n).length() - 1; //(d$) -1 minus itself. Trie2Str() include p->name if(par->newStrs < 0 || par->oldStrs == INVALID) par->cost = INVALID; else par->cost = par->newStrs - par->oldStrs; par->benefit = par->oldSize - par->newSize; candid.push_back(par); } } originalsize -= maxbenefit; } //final cleanup for(i = 0; i < candid.size(); i++) delete candid[i]; //end return; } //-------------------------------------------------------- //---------------Top Down Compression--------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------- void Trie::CompressTrieTopDown() { int i, j, id, index; vector candidates; struct TrieNode* newroot; newroot = TrieNewNode(); setName(newroot->names, EPSILON); newroot->depth = root->depth; //construct the initial result tree bool* existing; existing = getAlpha(root, true); struct TrieNode *temp = TrieNewNode(); temp->isCompressed = true; temp->count = 0; temp->depth = root->depth - 1; temp->com.size = 0; temp->com.depth = temp->depth; for(j = 0; j < ALPH_SIZE; j++) { if(existing[j] == true) { setName(temp->names, getCharFromIndex(j)); temp->com.size++; } } newroot->count = 1; newroot->child[ALPH_SIZE-1] = temp; temp->parent = newroot; struct TopElem *te; te = getCandidateTop(root, newroot); candidates.push_back(te); double originalsize = Trie2Str(newroot).length(); double mincost = 0; double tempcost; double maxbenefit; //process the candidate list vector::iterator it; //double benefitratio, tempratio; struct TopElem te1; bool first = true; int numOfCenters = 1; while(candidates.size() > 0 && /*originalsize < TRIELEN*/ numOfCenters <= K) { id = -1; bool start = true; for(i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) { //if(candidates[i]->cost + originalsize < TRIELEN) if(candidates[i]->cost + numOfCenters <= K) { if(start) { mincost = candidates[i]->cost; maxbenefit = candidates[i]->benefit; id = i; start = false; } else { tempcost = candidates[i]->cost; if(tempcost < mincost) { mincost = tempcost; maxbenefit = candidates[i]->benefit; id = i; } else if(tempcost == mincost) { if(candidates[i]->benefit > maxbenefit) { mincost = tempcost; maxbenefit = candidates[i]->benefit; id = i; } } } } }//for if(id == -1) break; te1.copy = candidates[id]->copy; te1.old = candidates[id]->old; te1.subtree = candidates[id]->subtree; te1.newSize = candidates[id]->newSize; te1.newStrs = candidates[id]->newStrs; te1.oldSize = candidates[id]->oldSize; te1.oldStrs = candidates[id]->oldStrs; te1.cost = candidates[id]->cost; te1.benefit = candidates[id]->benefit; it = candidates.begin(); for(i = 0; i < id; i++) it++; candidates.erase(it); int test = candidates.size(); if(first) { //add for clean up ==== liang TrieFreeNode(newroot); //end newroot = te1.subtree; te1.copy = newroot; first = false; } else { te1.subtree->parent = te1.copy->parent; index = getIndex(getSingleName(te1.copy->names)); te1.copy->parent->child[index] = te1.subtree; //add for clean up ==== liang TrieFreeNode(te1.copy); //end //te1.copy = te1.copy->parent->child[index]; te1.copy = te1.subtree; } for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(te1.old->child[i] != NULL) { if(te1.old->child[i]->depth != 1) //if depth=1, no furthur decompression possible { struct TopElem *te2; te2 = getCandidateTop(te1.old->child[i], te1.copy->child[i]); candidates.push_back(te2); } } } //remove the entry from the candidate list. insert its children //originalsize += mincost; numOfCenters += mincost; }//while //add for clean up ===== liang TrieFreeNode(root); for(i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) { TrieFreeNode(candidates[i]->subtree); delete candidates[i]; } root = newroot; return; } struct TopElem* Trie::getCandidateTop(struct TrieNode* pOld, struct TrieNode* pCopy) { int i, j; bool* existing; //construct the future subtree if we uncompress the node struct TrieNode* sub = TrieNewNode(); sub->names = pOld->names; sub->depth = pOld->depth; int sizeincrease = 0; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(pOld->child[i] != NULL) { //temp = te.old->child[i]; struct TrieNode* children = TrieNewNode(); children->names = pOld->child[i]->names; //setName(children->names, getSingleName(pOld->child[i]->names)); children->isCompressed = false; children->count = 1; children->depth = pOld->child[i]->depth; children->parent = sub; sub->child[i] = children; sub->count++; struct TrieNode* grandchildren = TrieNewNode(); if(pOld->child[i]->depth == 1) // if there is no furthur data, just attach a '&' { //struct TrieNode* grandchildren = TrieNewNode(); setName(grandchildren->names, EPSILON); grandchildren->depth = 0; grandchildren->isCompressed = false; grandchildren->count = 0; children->child[ALPH_SIZE-2] = grandchildren; grandchildren->parent = children; } else // if there is furthur data, attach the compressed node { sizeincrease++; existing = getAlpha(pOld->child[i], true); //struct TrieNode* grandchildren = TrieNewNode(); grandchildren->isCompressed = true; grandchildren->count = 0; grandchildren->depth = pOld->child[i]->depth - 1; grandchildren->com.size = 0; grandchildren->com.depth = grandchildren->depth; for(j = 0; j < ALPH_SIZE; j++) { if(existing[j] == true) { setName(grandchildren->names, getCharFromIndex(j)); grandchildren->com.size++; } } children->child[ALPH_SIZE-1] = grandchildren; grandchildren->parent = children; } } } struct TopElem* te = new struct TopElem; te->old = pOld; te->copy = pCopy; te->subtree = sub; int numofchars = pCopy->child[ALPH_SIZE-1]->com.size; te->newStrs = getNumofStr(sub); te->oldStrs = (double)pow(numofchars, pCopy->depth - 1); if(te->newStrs == INVALID || te->oldStrs < 0) te->benefit = INVALID; else te->benefit = te->oldStrs - te->newStrs; te->cost = sub->count; return te; } //get the edit distance between the trie and a string int Trie::getED(string str, NFA* nfa) { clock_t tv1, tv2; double time; tv1 = clock(); NFAMatch* nm = new NFAMatch(nfa); int distance; distance = nm->match(str); //bool good = nm->match(str, 2); delete nm; tv2 = clock(); time = (tv2 - tv1)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0); totalEDTime += time; return distance; } bool Trie::getED(string str, int delta) { clock_t tv1, tv2; double time; tv1 = clock(); NFA* nfa = new NFA(); nfa->ConvertFromTrie(this); NFAMatch* nm = new NFAMatch(nfa); //int distance; //distance = nm->match(str); bool good = nm->match(str, delta); delete nm; tv2 = clock(); time = (tv2 - tv1)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0); totalEDTime += time; delete nfa; return good; } int Trie::getNumofNodes(struct TrieNode* p) { int i, count; assert(p); if(p->count == 0) { return 1; } else { count = 0; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if(p->child[i] != NULL) { count += getNumofNodes(p->child[i]); } } count++; return count; } } void Trie::setName(int &names, char character) { int index = getIndex(character); int oper = 1; oper = oper << index; names = names | oper; return; } char Trie::getSingleName(int names) { int i; int oper = 1; for(i = 0; i < ALPH_SIZE; i++) { if((oper & names) != 0) break; oper = oper << 1; } char temp = getCharFromIndex(i); return temp; } bool Trie::getNameExist(int names, int index) { int oper = 1; oper = oper << index; if((oper & names) != 0) return true; else return false; }